What is the relationship between
white coat hypertension and dyslipidemia?
Gender differences in coronary heart disease in Turkey
White coat hypertension appears to be a classic overresponse to emotional stress.
White coat hypertension may not be so benign. (Cardiovascular Disease Risk)
The prevalence of
white coat hypertension among children with high in-office blood pressure hasn't previously been examined, said Dr.
White Coat Hypertension Often Seen in Children
A recent study of 159 children, 4-18 years old, referred to a pediatric cardiology clinic for hypertension found that many of them actually had
white coat hypertension. Fifty-seven percent of the children seen were obese.
White Coat Hypertension
Frank Lefevre, who presented the findings at the annual meeting of the Society for General Internal Medicine, reported that he found a significant difference between normotensive patients and those with
white coat hypertension by using the outcome of left ventricular mass index as a marker for the effect of hypertension on the heart.
White Coat Hypertension
White coat hypertension is more risky than prehypertension: important role of arterial wave reflections.
White coat hypertension and masked hypertension among Omani patients attending a tertiary hospital for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
His research on the management of high blood pressure, especially
white coat hypertension, was of national importance and published widely in many countries.
The death of Dr Malcolm Aylett
"Often a reading taken in a doctors office can be falsely high due to anxiety-related
white coat hypertension'," he observes.
Manage your blood pressure with a home BP monitor
Twenty-four hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring or self-blood pressure monitoring can diagnose
white coat hypertension, he said, but pulse pressure is simpler to use and is suitable for patients without aortic valvular insufficiency or aortic disease, he added.
Taking pulse pressure may help distinguish white coat from true hypertension
White coat hypertension is when a patient's blood pressure is high at the doctor's office but normal in everyday life.
High BP might just be doc-induced 'white coat' hypertension
"Being able to track your blood pressure at home is especially important if you have '
white coat hypertension'," says Mark Pecker, MD, a professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College.
Ensure your in-home blood pressure readings are accurate; when and how you use your home blood pressure monitor determines the accuracy of your readings
" There is such a thing as
white coat hypertension, when people experience a rise in blood pressure because they are in a hospital.
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A SOME people's blood pressure is normal most of the time and only goes up when it is being measured by the doctor - this is known as "
white coat hypertension" as it comes on when you see a white coat.
Health: Dr Gareth Smith; Cold sore stops us snogging
A: It's not just "
white coat hypertension, which refers to people whose blood pressures are high in the doctor's office while otherwise normal outside.
White coat hypertension may not be a benign condition, but it probably isn't as ominous as sustained hypertension, according to studies conducted by two separate groups of European investigators.
White Coat Hypertension