weapons of mass destruction

weapons of mass destruction

Also, WMD. Weapons that can greatly harm or kill large numbers of people and/or severely damage man-made structures or the biosphere. The term was first used by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1937 with reference to the aerial bombardment of Guernica, Spain. Less than a decade later, the term was applied to nonconventional weapons, specifically nuclear weapons. During the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, the term was used by President John F. Kennedy, referring to nuclear missiles. Fearing Iraq’s use of nuclear weapons, the alleged existence of such weapons became the main justification for the 2003 invasion of that country. By then, the term was so well known and so often abbreviated that it was on its way to clichédom.
See also: destruction, mass, of, weapon
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • be frightened out of (one's) wits
  • be frightened out of your wits
  • offer affordance(s)
  • scare (one) out of (one's) mind
  • frighten (one) out of (one's) mind
  • scare (one) silly
  • frighten (one) out of (one's) wits
  • frighten one out of wits
  • frighten/scare somebody out of their wits
  • rolling drunk
References in periodicals archive
Preparation for managing a weapons of mass destruction incident first requires an appreciation of the magnitude of the potential consequences.
He said: "I believe that we will find the truth, and the truth is he was developing a programme for weapons of mass destruction.
As part of ceasefire, Iraq agrees to destroy weapons of mass destruction and to allow the UN to verify that.
She highlighted the most important responsibilities entrusted to the National Committee, including follow-up to the implementation of all conventions, treaties and protocols as well as Security Council resolutions on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and participation in relevant international meetings and conferences.
Introductory essays review the history and the political and diplomatic issues of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons of mass destruction; the essays also explain the basic science of these weapons in simple terms.
In an opening speech, Deputy Chairman of the Qatari National Committee for the Prohibition of Weapons Bregadier General Hassan Al-Nesf reviewed the suffering of humanity, since the beginning of the 19th century, from wars in which nuclear, biological and chemical arms as well as weapons of mass destruction have been used.
BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / The Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations, Mohammed Ali al-Hakim confirmed the importance of concerted international community to cope with the threats resulting from the weapons of mass destruction." He said in a speech, during the Security Council opening session on the prevention of the arrival of weapons of mass destruction, according to a Foreign Ministry statement, that there is no country in the world could face the threats resulting from the arrival of weapons of mass destruction to the terrorist groups or ensure the survival of its territory away from them," stressing "the importance of solidarity and joint efforts of all parties of the international community in order to meet those threats.
Mainly we did not take away the weapons of mass destruction - weapons used most recently in Paris, killing 129 people.
WASHINGTON -- A joint declaration from Catholic bishops and Shiite religious leaders issued June 14 has decried the use of, as well as the threat to use, weapons of mass destruction.
New York ,Oct 13 (ONA) The Sultanate reiterated its support for initiatives aimed at making the Middle East a zone free from nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, aware of the hazards of these weapons to the security and stability of States, the region and the world.
According to the National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction, "Defending the American homeland is the most basic responsibility of our government.
Saddam Hussein did have weapons of mass destruction. We just didn't read the small print.
And when secretary of state Colin Powell told the UN Security Council that "Saddam and his regime are concealing their efforts to produce more weapons of mass destruction....We know that Iraqi government officials...have hidden prohibited items in their homes," we thought he meant nukes and poison gas and nasty biological agents.
The charge of conspiracy to use a weapons of mass destruction carries a potential maximum life sentence.
Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction 2: Build a Secret Agent Arsenal is a recommendation for any hobbyist's collection and provides the basics of how to build some 30 different spy weapons and surveillance tools, from a pen blowgun to a mint tin catapult.