To continue in fistic phraseology, he had a genius for coming up to the scratch, wherever and whatever it was, and proving himself an
ugly customer. He would go in and damage any subject whatever with his right, follow up with his left, stop, exchange, counter, bore his opponent (he always fought All England) to the ropes, and fall upon him neatly.
Hard Times
"But I guess Strickland was an
ugly customer when he was roused," said Captain Nichols, reflectively.
Moon and Sixpence
The guide, which will help shed light on the lingo used in the world of strip clubs, includes BT, to describe a punter who is good to talk to, and See You Later, to describe an
ugly customer.
UK Strip club set to release book on stripper slang
The alternative, of course, is for referees, who are all aware of the noted "hit men," to get these
ugly customers off the field with all dispatch should they step out of line.
WRUput heat on men of violence
NICE girls who hang around in bars can usually expect to attract some pretty
ugly customers.
HOLIDAY SNAPS; Daring Kerry swims with crocs
The outlaw settlement might attract some real
ugly customers, but at least it's a melting pot with an emerging economy.
Film of the Quarter: Deadwood: The First Complete Season
It being the Cold War, the United States was prepared, eager even, to make nice with all manner of
ugly customers to combat the Marxist threat to the Western Hemisphere.
Negroponte, senators lack curiosity: intelligence nominee avoids questions about role in Honduras
Terri has become a bit of an expert on snakebite first aid, which sounds like a good idea given her husband's penchant for getting up close and personal with some very
ugly customers.