He walks the poop darting gloomy glances, as though he wished to poison the sea, and snaps your head off savagely whenever you happen to blunder
within earshot. And these vagaries are the harder to bear patiently, as becomes a man and an officer, because no sailor is really good-tempered during the first few days of a voyage.
Mirror of the Sea
But tarry ye behind in the borders of the forest,
within earshot of my bugle call."
Robin Hood
"What luck, Peter?" yelled Dan, as soon as Peter was
within earshot.
The Golden Road
So there we had to stay--my mother almost entirely exposed and both of us
within earshot of the inn.
Treasure Island
Foster was
within earshot; she knew exactly what to do with him if anything happened.
Of Human Bondage
"If the knaves lie
within earshot, they will say there are two non-compossers instead of one!
Last of The Mohicans
The corner was a retired one, and there was no one
within earshot.
The Illustrious Prince
He sat
within earshot, milking the cows by the light of a lantern, which I seized unceremoniously, and, calling out that I would send it back on the morrow, rushed to the nearest postern.
Wuthering Heights
The sound of drumming and trumpeting came from the Albany Street Barracks, and every church
within earshot was hard at work killing sleep with a vehement disorderly tocsin.
War Of The Worlds
Often I had to lose sight of it on account of the tangled brush-wood, but I was always
within earshot of its tinkle and splash.
The Lost World
When, however, he got
within earshot, he began to hear the surf thundering up against the rocks, for the swell still broke against them with a terrific roar.
Her tongue was not less keen than her eye, and, whenever a damsel came
within earshot, seemed to take up an unfinished lecture, as a barrel-organ takes up a tune, precisely at the point where it had left off.
Adam Bede
Then they knocked up a little place for him at the bottom of the garden, about quarter of a mile from the house, and made him take the machine down there when he wanted to work it; and sometimes a visitor would come to the house who knew nothing of the matter, and they would forget to tell him all about it, and caution him, and he would go out for a stroll round the garden and suddenly get
within earshot of those bagpipes, without being prepared for it, or knowing what it was.
Three Men In A Boat
When he came
within earshot of the king, he gave him the royal salute of Bayete, and fell upon his hands and knees, crawling towards him, and konzaed to the king, praising him as he came.
Nada The Lily
Before he came
within earshot, Father Brown had added quite composedly, "Why does he really hide the secret of what he does with the purple wig?
The Wisdom Of Father Brown