(2-tailed) ,000 ,195 Individualism N 181 181
Dikey Toplulukculuk social appearance Pearson Correlation -,164 (*) anxiety Sig.
Postmodernist identity construction and consumption
Nalcakan GR, 2001, Voleybolcularin Izokinetik Kas Kuvvetleri ile
Dikey Sicrama Yukseklikleri Arasindaki Iliski Duzeyi.
Examination of athletes vertical jump heights and records in the squat EMG study
Ideal konveks lensten gecen duz wavefront sferik sekil almakta ve boylece oncul dalgaya
dikey tum isik isinlari ayni noktada toplanmaktadir.
Optical aberrations and wavefront/Optik aberasyonlar ve wavefront
Tas boyutu, tasin direk uriner sistem grafisinde yatay ve
dikey iki eksenin carpilmasiyla milimetrekare (mm2) cinsinden hesaplandi.
Comparison of demographic data in patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy in southeastern anatolia and the Black Sea region: a multicenter study: guneydoju anadolu ve karadeniz bolgesi'nde, perkutan nefrolitotomi uygulanan hastalara alt demografik verilerin karsdastirilmasi: cok merkezli calisma
Said, Said y
Dikey, David (1984), "Testing for unit roots in autoregressive-moving average models of unknown order", Biometrika, Vol.
Prueba de hipotesis sobre la existencia de una raiz fraccional en una serie de tiempo no estacionaria
Olgu numaralari (yatay eksen) ve inokulasyon yollarina gore enfekte hayvanlarda uc ayri beyin bolgesinde olusan kist sayilari (
dikey eksen) ORAL ORAL ORAL ORAL ORAL ORAL IP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BEYIN CIK 3 0 2 2 0 1 0 BEYIN Sapi 0 2 1 1 14 1 5 ORTA BEYIN 2 1 1 13 1 24 15 IP IP IP IP IP IP IP 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BEYIN CIK 5 1 0 0 0 5 0 BEYIN Sapi 0 5 0 7 0 4 1 ORTA BEYIN 12 15 4 20 8 55 3 Grafik 5.
Experimental chronic toxoplasmosis model in mice: brain lesions and related behavioral changes/Deneysel kronik toksoplazmoz fare modeli: beyin lezyonlarinin davranis degisiklikleri ile iliskilendirilmesi
He leaves his beloved wife of 65 years Dorothy "
Dikey" (Miller) Shankman, two sons, Peter Shankman of Dennisport and Dr.
Murray Shankman, 90
As Granik agonizingly renders, Ree's questions engender a near-fatal beating by Thump Milton's wife Merab (Dale
Dikey) and her two sisters, who infantilize Ree by immobilizing her body, knocking out one of her teeth, and blacking her left eye to the point of partial blindness.
Winter's Bone
Yontemler: Koroner arter orifislerinin aort kapaginin sinotubuler bileskesine (SJ) gore yatay ve
dikey planlardaki konumlan, sayi, durum, sekil-lerinin farkli parametreler kullanilarak detayli anatomisi 100 normal yetiskin kalpte degerlendirilmistir.
Anatomic variability of the coronary arterial orifices/Koroner arter orifislerinin anatomik degiskenligi