Far from being a "
two-bit" entity, once again Plaid will be in a position to make sensible gains for Wales - notably to get us a fairer share of Westminster funding.
Plaid vote no waste; LETTERS
"Plaid is just a
two-bit player in this national context and I think people will understand that."
All we are interested in,apparently,are
two-bit telly actors,``love rat'' theatre stars and troubled sportsmen.
Your Say: What matters?
As far as I can tell, the greatest downside of the computing and communications revolution is that every
two-bit, weasely politician and mediocre educational bureaucrat in the world has read Peter Drucker.
Infectious ideas: sound bites won't fix education. It will take sound education practices, hard work and the ability to turn ideas into action.
("The 'Gate-less Community," July/August) Those good ol' boys--awash in oil, money, graft, and slick bookkeeping--are turning out to be more crooked than the crookedest
two-bit Texan card shark.
White and wrong. (Letters)
The answer is deceptively obvious: In the war on terror, the American people don't need the help of
two-bit felons.
Send in the pros. (Flip Side)
It looks cheap and boxy, like an in-house magazine from some
two-bit business concern.
Change is good/bad. (Letters)
Even as the Reagan-Bush administration promised to minimize the scope and size of the federal government, it waged a gratuitous, invasive, multi-front campaign against pleasure-seeking: It reinvigorated the War on Drugs, pushing through grotesquely draconian laws that have helped create a national drug-gulag system the envy of every
two-bit dictatorship.
First Family Follies
In 16 years, ad agency Saatchi and Saatchi grew from a
two-bit company to a billion pound global business.
With a bravado that would shame a
two-bit con artist, ministers say they have acted to stop the Chinese from dumping cheap imports.
Say no to China
Had he been a
two-bit crook, he would almost certainly be behind bars.
Record View: This isn't justice
STRICTLY Come Dancing judge Craig Revel Horwood says that former EastEnders star Patsy Palmer is just a " scrubber in a Puffa jacket" and that he shouldn't have to defend his decisions to a "
two-bit actress from a second-rate soap".
CAROLE MALONE: Craig Revel Horwood
Ray Mallon was criticised for dragging politics into the gutter after calling opponents of a regional assembly "
two-bit Conservatives" when he hit the streets of Durham yesterday.
'Gutter' blast from Ray
It's an engaging read, though some of the
two-bit moralising is a bit intrusive.
WEEKEND: BOOKS: Film-maker strikes while the strike's on
Intel's StrataFlash uses a
two-bit per cell technology, while Samsung relies on a single bit per cell.
Intel outperforms Samsung in flash technology and cost leadership says Semiconductor Insights