Plot: James White is a troubled
twenty-something trying to stay afloat in a frenzied New York City.
twenty-something kids primarily use Instagram and Snapchat.
Facebook hysteria is over the top
With jealousy cloaked in fantasy, Hawthorn takes Lizzie's former job and starts hanging around Lizzie's
twenty-something boyfriend, under the guise of investigating what happened to Lizzie.
Sedoti, Chelsea. The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett
Toff , the
twenty-something son of Speaker Joe de Venecia, is the founder of Sandbox Collective.
Millennials and the voices of the future
Dunham has been near-universally praised for her boldly honest approach to sex scenes in the show, which shows the struggles of four
twenty-something women living and working in modern day New York.
Lena Dunham says it's important to know personal limits in sex scene
The underlying sweetness of director Michael Dowse's 2011 hockey comedy "Goon" was a mere warm-up act for the full-on charm offensive of "The F Word" Had it centered around a less naturally engaging duo than Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan, this cheekily contrived romantic comedy might have outworn its welcome with its tale of two
twenty-something friends taking forever to acknowledge their true feelings for one another.
The F Word
David's own big break came in 1962 when That Was The Week That Was gave the
twenty-something Cambridge graduate a chance to shine on both sides of the Pond - he also fronted a US version of TW3.
Bidding farewell to a true TV legend
Its UK performance marks the best since the third quarter of 2009 and follows efforts to refocus marketing on its core
twenty-something customer base and cut price tags, as well as offering free delivery and returns.
Fashion firm ASOS has best growth; business Business briefing
The company, which has 5.4m customers in 160 countries, banished fears that its home market is stagnating by focusing on its core
twenty-something customer base and delivering more price cuts.
ASOS still fashionable as UK sales increase
* Two
twenty-something men are accused of trying to steal centuries-old kabbalistic books in Jerusalem.
Sundown: Jordan Inflamed
Her account of her stages of grief in acknowledging her parents' terminal illness and her other life experiences before and after make for a moving memoir about a
twenty-something who tries to find grounding in a world without an anchor.
The Rules of Inheritance: A Memoir
Although it is not clear-cut, I would rather hire the
twenty-something CPM designee, in spite of, or perhaps because of, their lack of industry knowledge.
Gen x boomer
twenty-something girls about town - Louise Johnston, Dani Robinson, Cici Cavanagh and Vogue Williams - star in the reality TV show and told yesterday they have not been signed up to do any more episodes.
Glam girls fade away
twenty-something stuck in a dead-end job happens to meet beautiful events planner Molly.
She's Out of My League (Sky Movies Premiere, 10.15pm)