
Chinese whispers

1. A game played between a group of people in which a story or message is told by one person in secret to another, who then retells it to the next, and so on, with the resulting end message usually differing widely (and often amusingly) from the original. It can be considered a pejorative term, so discretion is advised. Primarily heard in UK. Chinese whispers is a great game—it's always hilarious to see what the last person has interpreted by the end!
2. Any information or gossip that has been spread and retold by multiple parties, thus obfuscating, distorting, or exaggerating the original information. A somewhat pejorative term, it takes its name from the party game described above. Primarily heard in UK. The firm's CEO denounced the rumors of impending layoffs as being nothing more than Chinese whispers. It's a common occurrence that sensationalist news headlines devolve into Chinese whispers, thus leading a large number of people to accept misinformation as fact.
See also: Chinese, whisper

in a pig's whisper

Very quickly; in a very short amount of time. Sorry for the wait. Your lunch will be out in a pig's whisper.
See also: whisper

in a stage whisper

In an exaggerated whisper that is loud enough to be overheard by other people. In theater performance, a "stage whisper" is speech that is loud enough to be heard by the audience but that has the hushed affectation of a whisper. He leaned over to me during the meeting and said in this really smug stage whisper, "And that's why Steve's the boss!"
See also: stage, whisper

stage whisper

1. Literally, in theater performance, speech that is loud enough to be heard by the audience but that has the hushed affectation of a whisper. I think you should say the line in a stage whisper, since you're supposed to be attending a funeral in the scene.
2. By extension, an exaggerated whisper that is loud enough to be overheard by other people. He leaned over to me during the meeting and said in this really smug stage whisper, "And that's why Steve's the boss!"
See also: stage, whisper

whisper (something) around

To spread gossip, rumors, or secrets around (some place or group of people) in a secretive, circumspect manner. Stop whispering stuff like that around—you know it's probably not true! Tommy whispered it around the rest of the class that the Sally had been expelled for stealing from the principal.
See also: around, whisper

whisper about (someone or something)

1. Literally, to talk about someone or something in a whisper. Catherine and her friend huddled in the corner of the room, whispering about something or other. I could hear tell they were whispering about me, even though I couldn't hear what they were saying.
2. By extension, to discuss or gossip about something in a secretive, circumspect manner. A lot of people in the company have been whispering about supposed layoffs coming down the line. Kids at school are whispering about the principal, saying that he is wanted for murder in Louisiana.
See also: whisper

whisper sweet nothings

To murmur words of affection to someone in a flirtatious manner. These words may be genuine or less serious. My ex-boyfriend used to whisper sweet nothings to me and then sneak out with his mistress later! At the prom, I watched all the couples around me whispering sweet nothings to each other as they danced.
See also: nothing, sweet, whisper

whisper sweet nothings in (one's) ear

To murmur words of affection to someone in a flirtatious manner. These words may be genuine or less serious. My ex-boyfriend used to whisper sweet nothings in my ear and then sneak out with his mistress later!
See also: ear, nothing, sweet, whisper

whispering campaign

The spread of rumors, with the intent of damaging a person's reputation The whispering campaign that the opposition has launched against me is just awful! I haven't done any of the things they've claimed! I'm always skeptical of the terrible allegations that come out in these whispering campaigns.
See also: campaign, whisper
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

in a stage whisper

Fig. in a loud whisper that everyone can hear. John said in a stage whisper, "This play is boring." "When do we eat?" asked Billy in a stage whisper.
See also: stage, whisper

whisper about someone or something

to speak about someone or something in a quiet, breathy voice, as if telling secrets. I hope they aren't whispering about me. Everyone is whispering about the incident in the lunchroom.
See also: whisper

whisper something around

to spread secrets or gossip around. Now, don't whisper this around, but Sam is going to run away from home. If you whisper this around, you will spoil the surprise.
See also: around, whisper
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

stage whisper

A whisper loud enough to be overheard, as in Our three-year-old behaved beautifully at the ceremony, but then he asked in a stage whisper, "Why does that lady have blue hair?" This expression alludes to an actor's whisper on stage, which is meant to be heard by the audience. [Mid-1800s]
See also: stage, whisper

whispering campaign

A deliberate spreading of derogatory rumors about a candidate, as in That whispering campaign destroyed his chances for election. [c. 1920]
See also: campaign, whisper
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

stage whisper

A whisper intended to be heard by one and all. In the theater this term literally meant an aside—a thought spoken aloud—communicated to the audience and allegedly unheard by the other actors on stage. It dates from the mid-nineteenth century and by 1900 or so was employed figuratively. J. V. McIlwraith used it in Kinsmen at War (1927): “Mrs. Secord spoke in a stage whisper.”
See also: stage, whisper
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • Chinese whispers
  • not pass (one's) lips
  • not pass your lips
  • pull the strings
  • the cat is out of the bag
  • in secret
  • mifky
  • mifky-pifky
  • pifky
  • won't breathe a word
References in classic literature
He kept silent for a while, then whispered, "I under- stand."
The time had come to ex- change our last whispers, for neither of us was ever to hear each other's natural voice.
"Now," I whispered, loudly, into the saloon--too loudly, perhaps, but I was afraid I couldn't make a sound.
"I am a night cabby, I am," he whispered, with a sort of boastful exasperation.
And with busy love toiled the Elves amid the withered leaves, and new strength was given to the flower; while, as day by day the friendless child watered the growing buds, deeper grew her love for the unseen friends who had given her one thing to cherish in her lonely home; sweet, gentle thoughts filled her heart as she bent above it, and the blossom's fragrant breath was to her a whispered voice of all fair and lovely things; and as the flower taught her, so she taught others.
"Our work is done," whispered the Elves, and with blessings on the two fair flowers, they flew away to other homes;--to a blind old man who dwelt alone with none to love him, till through long years of darkness and of silent sorrow the heart within had grown dim and cold.
They whispered sweet words of comfort,--how, if the darkened eyes could find no light without, within there might be never-failing happiness; gentle feelings and sweet, loving thoughts could make the heart fair, if the gloomy, selfish sorrow were but cast away, and all would be bright and beautiful.
"How beautiful they are," whispered Eva, "but, dear Rose-Leaf, why do you keep them here, and why call you this your fairest sight?"
Fentolin," she whispered. "Please come in; let us go in at once.
The Silver Shield comprises of a grounding cable integrated with the Whisper mattress fabric and plugged into an outlet next to your bed.
Now, detectives Amanda Beck and Pete Willis must find the boy before it is too late, even if that means Pete has to revisit his great foe in prison: The Whisper Man.
WHISPER , primed to change the way things are done, is harnessing the power of purpose to navigate major shifts driven by technology and create even more value for its customers.
Richard says the ASMR-rap marriage makes sense: "With hip hop and rap there can be incorporation of spoken word, which allows the ability to whisper and still be within their musical genre."
'No listen to it!' I did and from looking glass heard mercurial voice whisper, 'Always reflect before you act!' 'That, has been my problem,' I whispered back, looking at the mirror, 'hey I'm talking back to it!'
Whisper passed away at 12 years old at Windsor Castle, reported the Daily Mail last Oct.