Where there's life, there's hope -and the reassuring noises of a steel plant still at works' wemed a defiant sound bite.
Finding the right word to describe the devastation; This could make the place a ghost town
And it is the personal motto of Charlie's parents that, "
Where there's Life, there's Hope."
European Court of Human Rights authorizes six more days on life-support for Charlie Gard
"They wanted to turn off the machines after two weeks and being from Catholic Ireland I had been brought up with the feeling
where there's life, there's hope.
I waited all my life for someone to come along then thunder came crashing down... Lord Of The Dance gave me a purpose; DANCE HERO MARIE'S HIGHS & LOWS ON ROAD; Choreographer so grateful for Flatley support
He said: 'It's a tall order and we're not kidding ourselves otherwise but
where there's life, there's hope.
Football: We've got a Ton weight on shoulders
WHERE there's life, there's hope - and Portadown manager Ronnie McFall insisted yesterday there's still much life left in the race for the Irish League title.
Football: Ports apply Ard pressure; Portadown 4 Ards 0
WHERE there's life, there's hope -and where there's death, there's your friendly neighbourhood funeral director.
Great life working in land of the dead; PADDY SHENNAN finds that death can be a funny old business
Where there's life, there's hope," the proverb says.
Ratzinger raised bigger issues than ordination
Where there's life, there's hope," said the Roman playwright Terence.
Where there's hope, there's life
But while the vast majority of them have long since resigned themselves to starting life outside the top flight in August, as far as Connor is concerned,
where there's life, there's hope.
HOPE-FOOL; Terry's all sold on a ludicrous dream his losers can beat drop
"It wasn't expected to live, but Lynne's motto was
where there's life, there's hope. She'd never refuse to take a hedgehog in.
LYNNE'S LEGACY OVER; Last hedgehog leaves sanctuary
THEY say "
where there's life, there's hope" - which could explain why it's taken Garry so long to take the hint that it's never going to happen for him and Dawn.
We love telly: WE LOVE SOAPS
"I'd say we're up against avoiding relegation at this stage, but
where there's life, there's hope," said Harte.
KINGDOM HANDED A FIRST WIN; Allianz III NFL DIVISION ONE: Kerry 0-12 Tyrone 0-9 Players respond to O'Shea battle cry