turn tail and run

turn tail and run

To run away or flee, usually in fear. The burglars turned tail and ran at the sound of our security alarm.
See also: and, run, tail, turn
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

turn tail (and run)

tv. to flee; to run away in fright. I couldn’t just turn tail and run, but I wasn’t going to fight that monster either.
See also: and, run, tail, turn
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • (I've) got to run
  • got to run
  • (one) has to run along
  • have to run along
  • have (one) on the run
  • have someone on the run
  • run over to
  • run over to (someone or something)
  • run about
  • run around
References in periodicals archive
A frightened animal may draw its tail between its legs, or it may turn tail and run. If the fleeing animal has a white tail, the flash of white can leave a keen impression.
Trent Lott (R-Miss.) would rather turn tail and run. When CNN's "Crossfire," newly fortified with liberals Paul Begala and James Carville, re-launched in April, conservatives caused a stir by trying to encourage a GOP boycott of the show--prompted, insiders say, by DeLay and Lott.