
Related to warily: henceforth

tread carefully

To delicately handle or approach a situation in order not to upset or worsen the current circumstances, which may be precarious. Tread carefully when you ask Mom whether she's going to the party. She's been acting weird about it. We need to start treading carefully when it comes to our diplomacy—we can't afford to alienate any allies.
See also: carefully, tread

tread warily

To delicately handle or approach a situation in order not to upset or worsen the current circumstances, which may be precarious. Tread warily when you ask Mom whether she's going to the party. She's been acting weird about it. We need to start treading warily when it comes to our diplomacy—we can't afford to alienate any allies.
See also: tread, warily
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

tread ˈcarefully, ˈwarily, etc.

be very careful about what you do or say: The government will have to tread very carefully in handling this issue. OPPOSITE: throw caution to the wind(s)
See also: tread
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • carefully
  • tread carefully
  • tread carefully, warily, etc.
  • tread warily
  • move
  • false move
  • a/one false move
  • tread lightly
  • in a sticky situation
  • be onto something
References in periodicals archive
It may cause married viewers to look warily at their partners but it is also sophisticated entertainment at its best and is certainly one of autumn's must–see films.
Rebel leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko's call for a ceasere but his request was met warily by both the Ukrainian government in Kiev and the West.
Sixty percent of India's arms purchases still come from Russia but it has begun to look further afield in recent years as it seeks to match its growing economic might with military power, and warily eyes its giant neighbour ,China.
As the sisters circle warily, their distrust grows, fueled by family lies and secrets.
By noon Sunday, as grim-faced Kenyan soldiers warily searched the five-story building, and as al-Shabaab maintained its defiant stance, the siege was no closer to a resolution.
JAILBIRD UNCAGED Ronnie emerges warily after two years inside
Fondly poking fun at his audience, he explained his entry into Wales had been "surreal", as a Severn Bridge toll booth worker eyed him warily and said: "I know, that you know, that I know who you are."
Next angel was the lady who stopped her car one night about 7.30pm when she saw me walking warily on to an icy pavement and asked if she could give me a lift anywhere.
Chief cause for optimism can be derived from a recent fifth in a maiden hurdle at Uttoxeter, in which he crept warily into the race before taking fifth spot, which suggested a step up to three miles would be the way forward.
The West long looked to strongmen in the region like Mubarak to keep a lid on Islamists, and has watched warily as they have come top in votes in Tunisia, Morocco and now Egypt.
* The International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran are warily considering the former visiting the latter.
Meanwhile, governments around the world are watching warily developments in North Korea following the sudden death.
GOVERNMENTS around the world were last night watching warily developments in North Korea following the sudden death of Kim Jong Il.
Egypt has watched the split warily. It depends on the Nile's water to survive and the creation of South Sudan adds a new state on that river.
Saudi Arabia's king on Wednesday ordered billions poured into a development fund that helps Saudis buy homes, get married and start businesses, state TV reported, as the oil-rich nation warily watches the unrest spreading around the Middle East.