tumble to

tumble to (something)

1. To fall or topple to some lower location or level. I feared the worst when I saw my grandfather tumble to the floor. He kicked the crate and watched it tumble to the basement.
2. obsolescent To arrive at some conclusion or understanding. I have since tumbled to the belief that animals prove far better companions than other people. It was only after the debt collectors began taking away our belongings that I tumbled to the reality of David's financial woes.
See also: tumble
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

tumble to

v. Slang
To come to some sudden understanding; catch on to something: I tumbled to the reality that the other card players were cheating.
See also: tumble
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • tumble to (something)
  • fall (up)on (someone or something)
  • fall on
  • place of business
  • a/(one's) place of business
  • take a tumble
  • (as) mad as a March hare
  • (as) mad as a hatter
  • pry into
  • pry into (something)
References in periodicals archive
Finally Hayley Blackburn, 14, took North of England Champion title for the second year in a row with a total score of 79.90 against 11 other gymnasts from the region and closed the regional competition with her last tumble to secure first place and the gold medal.