
Related to tremble: Trimble

in fear and trembling

Experiencing great fear and worry. Carrie's been in fear and trembling waiting for the doctor to call with her test results. After hearing his enemy's threats, Tom was obviously in fear and trembling.
See also: and, fear, tremble

in fear and trembling of (someone or something)

Experiencing great fear and worry because of someone or something. Carrie's been in fear and trembling of the doctor calling with her test results. Tom was obviously in fear and trembling of his enemy after hearing those threats.
See also: and, fear, of, tremble

tremble at (something)

To feel profound excitement, anticipation, anxiety, or fear from the thought of some action or thing. You'll never get anywhere in business if you tremble at the idea of doing something risky. We all trembled at the thought of having that much money at our disposal.
See also: tremble

tremble from (something)

To shake as the result of some powerful, concussive force. The tables all trembled from the passing train. Every buildings within a five-mile radius trembled from the explosion.
See also: tremble

tremble with (something)

To experience some intense emotion or condition, such as excitement, anticipation, anxiety, or fear, that causes one to shake or feel giddy. The children trembled with fear as the bear approached them in the woods. I trembled with excitement at the thought of having my own car.
See also: tremble
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

in fear and trembling

Cliché with anxiety or fear; with dread. In fear and trembling, I went into the room to take the test. The witness left the courtroom in fear and trembling.
See also: and, fear, tremble

tremble at something

to shake with fear or anticipation at the thought of something. David trembled at the thought of having to go to Russia by himself. Carl trembled at the idea of winning first place.
See also: tremble

tremble from something

to shake or vibrate in response to something like an explosion or an earthquake. The house trembled from the blast. I could feel the bridge trembling from the minor earthquake that I was hearing about on the radio.
See also: tremble

tremble with something

to tremble because of something. The children trembled with fear during the storm. David trembled with rage when he saw his slashed tires.
See also: tremble
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

in fear and ˈtrembling (of somebody/something)

(written) feeling very frightened or anxious: They lived in fear and trembling of being discovered by the police.
See also: and, fear, tremble
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • in fear and trembling
  • in fear and trembling of (someone or something)
  • be in fear of (one's) life
  • be/go in fear of your life
  • go in fear of (one's) life
  • fear
  • for fear of
  • for fear of (something)
  • for fear of something/of doing something
  • Iraqnophobia
References in periodicals archive
Tremble then shot Johne's daughter, Charlotte, who was left badly wounded in the back and leg but was to survive.
Police tests showed Tremble was over the drink-drive limit and had been smoking cannabis.
SAD can induce panic attacks, which are intense episodes of fear that include sweating, blushing, muscle trembles, racing heart and a feeling that something is very wrong.
This realization belies the stable and unified Aristotelian Self still lingering behind his name, one capable of writing a "useable history." It takes a riot to destabilize or "tremble" him out of this ideal.
Tremble: As I mentioned before, MFRN tries to find a common interest between rural and farm audiences to provide a key link between the two.
[15] Similarly, a person whose lips, hands, or fingers tremble or who hides their hands may exhibit low confidence, although these characteristics do not guarantee deception.
O God your voice makes me tremble, I am whispering Bless my family with this happy New Year.
John Tremble of Scissett was drunk when he got into his vehicle outside an Ossett pub and drove round a car park in front of his mates.
Soon my own dogs will tremble with fear as fireworks explode.
Zytek's Steve Tremble is one of seven new non-executive directors at the organisation which offers help and support to industry across the region.
Inhalants may cause arms and legs to tremble uncontrollably.
Plunged into this fire were demons and souls of human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in this conflagration with shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear."
She mounts the wood, standing atop it and vibrating her entire body so that she and the trunk tremble together.