

To interpret information or a situation in a way that casts it as favorable or desired, despite the fact that there is no evidence for such a conclusion. You can tell those writers are wishcasting when they try to say staffers were probably trying to sabotage the rollout by making it so chaotic—they knew exactly what they were doing.


The act of interpreting information or a situation in a way that casts it as favorable or desired, despite the fact that there is no evidence for such a conclusion. Those articles about how staffers were probably trying to sabotage the rollout by making it so chaotic are just wishcasting—they knew exactly what they were doing.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • wishcast
  • under control
  • the way I see it
  • be under control
  • a stepping stone
  • differ with (someone) about (something)
  • from where I stand
  • make any sense (out) of (something)
  • make some sense (out) of (something)
  • differ with (someone) on (something)