
transliterate (something) from (something)

To render or represent words or characters from one alphabet directly into those of a different alphabet. I set about transliterating the text from Greek characters into Roman characters to make it easier for the students to read.
See also: transliterate

transliterate (something) from (something) into (something)

To render or represent words or characters from one alphabet directly into those of a different alphabet. I set about transliterating the text from Greek characters into Roman characters to make it easier for the students to read.
See also: transliterate

transliterate (something) into (something)

To render or represent words or characters (from one alphabet) directly into those of a different alphabet. The phrase "from something" can be used before or after "into something" to specify the original alphabet. I set about transliterating the text from Greek characters into Roman characters to make it easier for the students to read. You'll often see the Japanese texts transliterated into katakana and hiragana to account for readers' varying levels of familiarity with the kanji.
See also: transliterate

transliterate (something) into (something) from (something)

To render or represent words or characters from one alphabet directly into those of a different alphabet. I set about transliterating the text into Roman characters from Greek characters to make it easier for the students to read.
See also: transliterate

transliterate (something) to (something)

To render or represent words or characters (from one alphabet) directly into those of a different alphabet. The phrase "from something" can be used before or after "to something" to specify the original alphabet. I set about transliterating the text from Greek characters to Roman characters to make it easier for the students to read. You'll often see the Japanese texts transliterated to katakana and hiragana to account for readers' varying levels of familiarity with the kanji.
See also: transliterate
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

transliterate something (from something) (to something)

 and transliterate something (from something) (into something)
to decode something from one set of symbols to another. Donald transliterated the tale from Cyrillic script into Roman letters and still couldn't read it aloud. Can you transliterate this from the original Bengali script into the Roman alphabet? I will transliterate this into Cyrillic.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • transliterate (something) from (something)
  • transliterate (something) from (something) into (something)
  • transliterate (something) into (something) from (something)
  • transliterate (something) to (something)
  • transliterate (something) into (something)
  • alphabet
  • alphabet soup
  • after
  • after (someone or something)
  • after you
References in periodicals archive
In their work, Ibrahim and Johnson-Davies chose to translate some SL words into partially-equivalent TL words rather than to transliterate them such as innovation [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], lawful [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], forbidden [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], patience [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], evil action [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], prayer [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], pilgrimage [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], and the House [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII].
The Sanskrit system has also the obvious advantages of being fully standardised and internationally established, and of being in use to transliterate a variety of Indic (languages and) scripts.
One is Haryati Soebadio (1971:67), whose attempt remained a mere declaration of intents without materializing into real practice for, in spite of her claim to 'have chosen to transliterate the Old Javanese according to the Sanskrit system' in her edition of the Jnanasiddhanta, no real correspondence is found apart from the rendering of w as v.
On the other hand, we accept Damais' (1970:20) persuasive arguments against the convention to transliterate e/o for short and long pepet, and follow him in rendering them as e/e instead.
(62.) The Septuagint renders it as [LANGUAGE NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], whereas Symmachus translates it as [LANGUAGE NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] and Aquila simply transliterates the Hebrew phrase in Greek [LANGUAGE NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII].
Therefore, when one transliterates this concept, akpaniko, into English, such may be laden with inconsistencies in connotations and ultimately a definitive misunderstanding of the concept.
334) the author transliterates the same sign in the same text as kus.
110: The author transliterates MVN 9, 161: pisan-dub-ba [gurum.sub.7]-ak giri-se-ga erin sag-da-nae-nam-ha-ni, and interprets it to mean that "an entire basket was filled just with one year's audit of personnel from the Namhani-temple who were stationed in Esagdana." The text actually reads, obverse: (1) pisan-dub-ba (2) [gurum.sub.2] ak [giri.sub.3]-[se.sub.3]-ga (3) [erin.sub.2] saga pin-na (4) [e.sub.2] nam-ha-ni (5) [i.sub.3]-[gal.sub.2], reverse: (blank space) (1) mu [ma.sub.2]-[dara.sub.3]-abzu ba-ab-[du.sub.8].
135: The author transliterates the numerical notation in obv.
Sharlach is inconsistent when she transliterates, and nowhere is that as clear as when she transliterates numerical notations.
192 (text 7): The author transliterates the name of the seal-owner as [ir.sub.3]-[hul.sub.2]-la.
Bullard provides a mostly readable translation that remains close to the original yet divides up long sentences into more digestible units, transliterates letters where necessary, and corrects minor errors.
Contrary to the general assessment of Constantine as a translator who often merely transliterates, all the technical terms in this work have been translated into Latin, and Bos includes a list at the end of the article, giving Arabic, Latin, and Hebrew equivalents.
Owen describes the latter text as a "tubular shaped bulla" and transliterates the word as kit-tum.
Pomponio transliterates madatti which would mean "My-tribute." According to the dictionaries and MAD, there exists no name using this word.