References in periodicals archive
3 CARING husband award to Emmerdale's Grayson for this exchange with wife Perdy: Grayson: "What's the matter?" Perdy: "I've had a hysterectomy for God's sake!" Grayson: "Oh yeah, right."
WHAT'S THE MATTER? Henning Heiselberg of the Danish Defense Research Establishment in Copenhagen is a theoretical nuclear physicist who specializes in neutron stars.
"What's the matter?" asked personnel manager Barry Depot.
Are we to find these people and ask them what's the matter?
The shift supervisor takes him aside and asks, "What's the matter? Is something going on in your personal life?"
Why on earth can't you occupy yourself with something?' 'What's the matter?' 'The matter?
A man stopped and asked: "What's the matter? Did you fall over?" And I said: "No.