viviparous lizard

viviparous lizard

A European species of lizard, so named because the females give birth to live young (as opposed to laying eggs). Today, we're going to study the viviparous lizard.
See also: lizard
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • bleed the lizard
  • lizard
  • bring (someone) into the world
  • bring into the world
  • endanger
  • endangered species
  • species
  • an endangered species
  • birth
  • accident of birth
References in periodicals archive
A common lizard, also known as a viviparous lizard, is among the ( most northern-dwelling lizards , living above the Arctic Circle in Scandinavian countries.
The IWT National Reptile Survey is aiming to find out more about our two dwelling reptiles - the viviparous lizard and the slow worm.
Ontogenetic stages of reproductive maturity in the viviparous lizard. Sceloporus jarrovi (Iguanidae).
Asynchronous spermatogenesis and biennial female cycle of the viviparous lizard Phymaturus antofagastensis (Liolaemidae): reproductive responses to high altitudes and temperate climate of Catamarca, Argentina.
Sperm storage in the vagina of the viviparous lizard Sceloporus torquatus (Sauria:Prhynosomatidae)
Structure and ultrastructure of the epididymis of the viviparous lizard during the annual hormonal cycle: changes of the epithelium related to secretory activity.
The common, or viviparous lizard, emerges from hibernation in March, and will bask in the sun like the rarer sand lizard, in a favoured spot.
Temperature effects during gestation in a viviparous lizard. Journal of Thermal Biology 13:135-142.
Differential atresia of ovarian follicles and its effect on the clutch size of two populations of the viviparous lizard Sceloporus mucronatus.
And if you've ever gone for a walk on Howth Head, you may not have spotted the next star to feature in the show - only feet away from the path that thousands walk every year lurks Ireland's only native reptile, the viviparous lizard.
Male and female reproductive cycles of the viviparous lizard, Mabuya capensis (Sauria: Scincidae) from South Africa.
Maternal thermoregulation influences offspring viability in a viviparous lizard. Oecologia 96:122-127.
Gonadal changes throughout the reproductive cycle of the viviparous lizard Sceloporus mucronatus (Sauria: Iguanidae).