Teacher education students self-evaluated their
written report for mechanics, content, and quality with a Fieldwork Project Rubric (see self-evaluation categories identified in the translation phase).
Self-regulation of field-based writing
If software, such as tax or accounting software, is typically used wholly within the CPA firm's office, but confidential client information needs to be disclosed to an external technician or software vendor to resolve software problems, will
written permission from the client be required?
CBA interprets 54.1: Board offers FAQs on client confidentiality regs
The May modifications to Circular 230 focus on five specific issues about which practitioners had expressed concern: post-return advice, in-house advice, negative advice, the definition of "prominently disclose," and the definition of "the principal purpose." Even though these modifications make important steps toward easing the burden on every day
written tax advice, they fall short of curing the fundamental problems with the regulations--their scope and complexity.
Circular 230: is the hysteria over?
What is interesting in this definition is the use of the phrase "avoidance or evasion." Often,
written tax advice on avoidance transactions are opinions applicable to routine transactions sanctioned by the law.
Circular 230: new rules on written tax advice
"These children have to learn two languages -- American Sign Language, which is their native language, and English, which is their
written language," said Dr.
The Federal Reserve Board on July 2, 2004, announced the execution of a
written agreement by and between Kenco Bancshares, Inc., Jayton, Texas, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Enforcement actions
Among her
written works are The Long Loneliness (HarperSanFrancisco), On Pilgrimage Dorothy Day: Writings from Commonweal, edited by (Liturgical Press).
Inspiration from the page: an interview with Paul Elie
Q: Some critics have
written negative reviews about the book.
Maxine Hong Kingston
As with any
written communication, the process of documenting the details of a fraud investigation begins with an understanding of who is going to read it.
Rules for the written record: fraud reports are quite different from audit reports
Powell points out that "while not a single intelligible graffito survives
written in Linear B script, not a single accounting document survives from early alphabetic Greece.
Orality literacy, and the tradition
* An inadvertently negative closing to a letter
written to an insured causes him to call his attorney and file a lawsuit.
The write impression: sloppy, murky writing can cost insurers millions in lost productivity and expose them to bad-faith lawsuits
However, controversy has flared with the claim that a few of these artifacts display remnants of the first
written language in the New World, dating to around 650 B.C.
Script delivery: New World writing takes disputed turn
* Useless or incomplete:
Written in a vacuum--wrong message for readers, important information omitted in favor of a flood of irrelevant detail
Being part of the solution: Part 2: guidance vs. criticism: intensive guidance ultimately saves you time and effort
And dance writing today is more informed, interesting, and better
written on a larger scale than ever before.
A Shrivel of Dance Critics
But most of his columns are
written from a distance.
HISTORY OF THE PRESENT: Essays, Sketches, and Dispatches from Europe in the 1990s