worth of a thing is what it will bring
the worth of a thing is what it will bring
Regardless of any other indicators of value, the real worth of an item or service is ultimately only determined by what someone is willing to pay for it. A: "I can't believe they'd only give me $100 for this painting. I know it's worth at least $1,000!" B: "Well, the worth of a thing is what it will bring." When you're trying to determine how much to charge clients, always start out at the high end and then work your way down. The worth of a thing is what it will bring, after all, and some people won't think twice if you give them a more expensive quote.
See also: bring, of, thing, what, will, worth
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
worth of a thing is what it will bring
Prov. A thing is worth whatever someone will pay for it. Ellen: I'm thinking about selling my grandmother's silver tea set. What do you suppose it's worth? Fred: The worth of a thing is what it will bring.
See also: bring, of, thing, what, will, worth
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- the worth of a thing is what it will bring
- in the last resort
- It is never too late
- (I'll) see you (again) (real) soon
- in any case
- by all means
- not for the life of (one)
- not for the life of me
- not for the life of me, etc.
- hell or high water