Hogan et al (2005) found 10.7% of babies born during their research appeared to be
tongue-tied but only 44% of those experienced feeding problems.
Improving breastfeeding outcomes: the impact of tongue-tie
"After he had been diagnosed, I went to see my family and my mother said she had been
tongue-tied as a baby as well and I never knew."
City hospital helping all tongue-tied babies
A bit more context to the beginnings of
Tongue-Tied ...
Crashes into the silences we carry: an essay review of Otto Santa Ana's (editor), Tongue-Tied: The Lives of Multilingual Children in Public Education
DON'T MISS Saturday magazine plus property Living on a boat won't tip you overboardPAGE 41 DAY TV GUIDE inside 07.12.2013 saturday WIN A romantic festive trip to Glencoe PAGE 16 ng queen FREE EVERY WEEK IN THE RECORD Dancing Miranda on the Danc living dream and her new show with Robbie and David - Gangsta Granny PAGES 04&05 NickNairnPies aren't just for the football PAGE 06 LIBBYMCARTHUR Libby Cocktails leave me
tongue-tied PAGE 03 TamCowan Great fish but was it worth wait?
DON'T MISS Saturday magazine proper [...]
These include
tongue-tied parents explaining the facts of life, adolescent chat-up lines, weird hospital speak, learning a foreign language, and an extended selection of song lyrics that range from the lazy through surreal to the ridiculous.
Spikey has the last word
Bottle feeding: A
tongue-tied baby may also find bottle feeding hard.
He doesn't speak yet - not even 'mummy' myHealth Every mum wants to hear her child say "mummy" for the first time. Health Reporter HELEN RAE speaks to one woman whose son is yet to utter any words due to a condition that is hindering his speech development
I was dumbstruck,
tongue-tied, unable to say even "hello" to the great man.
Faced by celebrity, I was totally tongue-tied
The 36-year-old actor got
tongue-tied when asked to do the Midland accent for a play.
Frank taught me to speak Brummie, says Dr Who
It tells the story of shy Tim, too
tongue-tied to declare his love to the girl of his dreams.
PICK Of THE WEEK: BEST THEATRE; TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT Wolverhampton Grand Theatre Monday to Saturday 01902 429212
THE book
Tongue-Tied was produced by four disabled friends.
But even the somewhat
tongue-tied Lister was made to look like a babbler by John Mullins when he got the mike unexpectedly thrust at him.
Muttley at the awards: Remember, it's good to talk
Experts blame the trend for women getting
tongue-tied on TV shows, films, music videos and Britney and Madonna's infamous clinch at last year's MTV music awards.
Kissing stars leave girls tongue-tied
John Russell Brown writes on devices in Shakespeare that convey sexual arousal in performance, such as
tongue-tied first meetings or clumsy words, evasions, or nonsensical speech.
Shakespeare and Sexuality.
And Steve, of Plantshill Crescent, Tile Hill, certainly doesn't plan to be
tongue-tied when it comes to promoting his unique talent.
Tongue twister record mister
The actors expertly manage to track simultaneously the ever-shifting emotional underscore and the stream of non sequiturs that pass for conversation between love-starved people too
tongue-tied to ask for what they want.
Four. (Theater review: two by two: parallel stories about two teenagers--one gay, one straight--and their troubled first affairs show off the talents of young out playwright Christopher Shinn)