

1. informal In or into an organized, coherent, or productive state. Our team has been very together ever since Sarah took over. The boss is expecting to see results from the project this week, so we really need to get it together.
2. informal In or into an emotionally stable condition. I was so angry after our argument that I needed a few minutes alone to get myself together. I know things are tough right now, but pull yourself together! You won't fix anything by being upset like this.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. organized. I’m not together yet. Lemme call you back.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • (one's) knees knock together
  • add (something) together
  • add together
  • band together
  • bang (people's) heads together
  • bang people's heads together
  • bang your/their/our heads together
  • bang/knock your/their heads together
  • be rubbing your hands
  • bind (someone or something) together
  • bind together
  • birds of a feather
  • birds of a feather (flock together)
  • birds of a feather flock together
  • birds of a feather fly together
  • blend together
  • bring (someone or something) all together
  • bring (someone or something) together
  • bring all together
  • bring together
  • bunk (up) together
  • bunk together
  • call (a group) together
  • call together
  • cement together
  • clap (something) together
  • clap together
  • cling together
  • club together
  • cluster together
  • cobble together
  • cobble up
  • come together
  • couple (something) together
  • couple together
  • cram together
  • crash together
  • crowd together
  • cup (one's) hands together
  • cup hands together
  • draw people or things together
  • draw together
  • enough to keep body and soul together
  • fall together
  • family that prays together stays together
  • fit together
  • flock together
  • gather together
  • get (one's) act together
  • get (one's) head together
  • get (one's) stuff together
  • get act together
  • get head together
  • get it (all) together
  • get it all together
  • get it together
  • get one’s act together
  • get one’s head together
  • get one’s stuff together
  • get one's act together
  • get together
  • get your act together
  • glue (something) together
  • glue together
  • go together
  • grind together
  • group (someone or something) together
  • group together
  • grow together
  • hang together
  • have (one's) act together
  • have got it (all) together
  • have got it (all) together to (do something)
  • have it (all) together
  • have it all together
  • herd together
  • hitch (one's) horses together
  • hitch horses together
  • hold (oneself) together
  • hold it together
  • hold oneself together
  • hold together
  • huddle together
  • jam together
  • join together
  • jumble together
  • keep body and soul together
  • keep body and soul together, to
  • keep it together
  • keep together
  • knit together
  • knock (one's) knees together
  • knock (people's) heads together
  • knock knees together
  • knock people's heads together
  • knock some heads together
  • knock something together
  • knock together
  • knock your/their/our heads together
  • knot together
  • lash together
  • lay (our/your/their) heads together
  • lay together
  • Let's get together
  • let's get together (sometime)
  • link to
  • link together (with someone or something)
  • live together
  • lump and else together
  • lump together
  • marshal together
  • mesh together
  • nest together
  • not have two (something) to rub together
  • not have two brain cells to rub together
  • not have two brain cells, pennies, etc. to rub together
  • not have two nickels to rub together
  • not have two pennies to rub together
  • not have two to rub together
  • pack together
  • patch together
  • piece together
  • press together
  • pull (oneself) together
  • pull it together
  • pull oneself together
  • pull oneself together, to
  • pull together
  • pull yourself together
  • push together
  • put (one's) hands together (for someone or something)
  • put our heads together
  • put our/your/their heads together
  • put people or things together
  • put people's heads together
  • put them together for someone
  • put together
  • put two and two together
  • put two and two together, to
  • put your hands together
  • put your hands together for someone
  • put your heads together
  • put your, their, etc. heads together
  • rake together
  • remain together
  • room together
  • rope together
  • rub (multiple things) together
  • rub (one's) hands (together)
  • rub together
  • scare up
  • scrape together
  • scratch together
  • sing together
  • slap together
  • sleep together
  • sleep with
  • spend the night
  • spend the night with somebody/together
  • splice together
  • squeeze together
  • stand together
  • stay the night
  • stay together
  • stick together
  • string together
  • the family that prays together stays together
  • throw (two or more people) together
  • throw people together
  • throw something together
  • throw together
  • together
  • together with
  • together with (someone or something)
  • toss together
  • walk together
  • we should get together (sometime)
  • weld together
  • when two Fridays come together
  • when two Sundays come together
  • wire together
  • work together
  • yoke people or things together
  • yoke together
References in classic literature
"Some Munchkins came here a few days ago and matched a lot of people together," said the kangaroo.
Quite near by she discovered and picked up a nose, and by matching the two pieces together found that they were part of a face.
Thus, to return to the stars, we can collect together either--
Like the different appearances of the table to a number of simultaneous observers, the different particulars that belong to one physical object are to be collected together by continuity and inherent laws of correlation, not by their supposed causal connection with an unknown assumed existent called a piece of matter, which would be a mere unnecessary metaphysical thing in itself.
They consulted together how they could destroy both him and his companions.
'You must now make merry together, and eat and drink,' and he led them into a room which had a floor of iron; the doors were also of iron, and the windows were barred with iron.
They were a bit wiggley, but secure enough if only the harness held together.
So the horse gave a groan, flopped its four wings all together, and flew away from the platform.
They are, too, often clumsy, wandering, and badly put together. But in spite of that there is much beauty in them, and some day I hope you will read them.
What should a young fellow like you do ashore for half a year together? If a man had not a wife, he soon wants to be afloat again."
Several other singular rules could be given from Gartner: for instance, some species have a remarkable power of crossing with other species; other species of the same genus have a remarkable power of impressing their likeness on their hybrid offspring; but these two powers do not at all necessarily go together. There are certain hybrids which instead of having, as is usual, an intermediate character between their two parents, always closely resemble one of them; and such hybrids, though externally so like one of their pure parent-species, are with rare exceptions extremely sterile.
On the southern and south-eastern coasts there are some fine forests, but with these exceptions, the traveller may pass for days together through open plains, covered by a poor and scanty vegetation.
While Benjamin and the lawyer were still poring over the scattered morsels of the letter which had been first discovered, and trying to piece them together again, the chemist had divided the greater part of the fragments specially confided to him into two halves each; and had correctly put together some five or six sentences of the letter on the smooth sheet of cardboard prepared for that purpose.
They had added their strength together. But of the thirty families and the sixty men of us, we had had the strength of but one man, for each had fought alone.
"I cannot tell all that happened on that day, but I will tell of the last charge that we made together; it was across a valley right in front of the enemy's cannon.