Barry is a pilot, first glimpsed in 1978 at the controls of a TWA flight; he messes with the pedals, shaking the plane and freaking out the sleeping passengers -- just for a laugh, or because he's irresponsible, or because he's
bored silly. Barry's an adrenaline junkie, and a bit of a child; years later, after he's become a millionaire, he likes to say goodbye before every flight across the Gulf of Mexico by cheerfully mooning his family (and the camera).
Film review: American Made ****
Now for the next four months you'll be
bored silly by politicians asking if you want to leave or remain in the European Union.
Let's put right islands shame
Terrified by Return To Oz, stunned by Jurassic Park,
bored silly by Titanic, while Twister and Batman Returns were awarded multiple viewings.
PROUD OF THE PARC; The Parc & Dare Theatre in Treorchy was like a second home to Western Mail writer Kathryn Williams as she was growing up. She recalls her fond memories of the building
bored silly with the latest exercise trend, the latest health fad, the best advice for losing those pesky five pounds.
Women's obsession with weight batty
"For example, if I go shopping I would expect my wife would want to pick out a dress and I would be
bored silly being dragged along as a lot of men usually are unwillingly.
The future is... 'shoot 'em up' shopping and immortality in a computer; Futurologist Ian Pearson predicts that shopping in Birmingham in the future will be transformed. He talks to JUSTINE HALIFAX in the second of two special reports
"I was
bored silly walking the dogs three times a day when I had the energy to do something more useful."
FormerH ills headg room Outen dies, 87
"I've been
bored silly. It's not as easy as you think it is, keeping completely silent," she chirps in a voice that sounds positively ethereal, like it's being transported gently on air.
Heart breaker; Welsh songbird Marina Diamandis talks to Dave Owens about the heartbreak that inspired her second album Electra Heart, even though she has been momentarily lost for words..
Stacey is on maternity leave but
bored silly at home, so she goes back to work on the market stall, much to her family's dismay.
Lucas Loses Control; eastenders the one to watch
Several years later, I was
bored silly as basically just a billing machine at the law firm.
The dos and don'ts of giving back, standing out, and earning business: community service can be a rewarding and effective way to publicize your name--just make sure you re in it for the right reasons
She admits she is not much of a football fan, saying: "I don't watch the football if Wayne's not playing; it's not exciting to me." Asked if she is "
bored silly" having to watch the match on TV if she has seen it live she said: "I go to bed.
I've always loved kids - Coleen
"I know what it's like to be
bored silly in hospital," he said.
Time to meet our prom superstars! Vanessa and Joe share smart gala night prizes WE asked readers to nominate a young person who is a positive role model. It sparked a magnificent response praising teenagers. HILARIE STELFOX reports
Normally I am
bored silly by plant life and the garden centre business, but now I am becoming very Kim Wilde and planting herbs with abandon.
Spring has sprung
One minute they're
bored silly with being inside one of the world's most impressive cathedrals.
Travel: When Harry met Hedwig; It is easy to keep children happy on a city break -just mention the magic name. Jayne Howarth explains
It's only been two weeks and I am
bored silly with what she has been saying and, although I often get up and find an excuse to leave the office, she follows me and carries on talking.
Dear Fiona
Are you
bored silly? Whatever your thoughts, please let me know.
Cat got your tongue?