titless wonder
titless wonder
vulgar slang An offensive, disparaging term for a woman who has very small breasts. My last boyfriend was a real jerk. He broke up with me because he said he wanted to date a "real" woman and not a titless wonder like me.
See also: wonder
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
titless wonder
1. n. an oafish or awkward person. (Usually objectionable.) That stupid jerk is the classic titless wonder. What a twit!
2. n. an unsatisfactory thing or situation. I’ve got to take this titless wonder into the shop for an oil change.
See also: wonder
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- old woman
- damn Yankee
- Yankee
- white trash
- nancy
- be mutton dressed as lamb
- mutton dressed (up) as lamb
- mutton dressed as lamb
- libtard
- an old maid