"You just don't know what the future holds for him but he is going
along the right lines."
Toon prospect Sean has come such a Long way - Shelvey; Ace 'deserves to be centre of attention'
Next may be thinking
along the right lines but until they guarantee that a 12 is a 12 or that we won't be tripping over a maxi dress more fitting for a 6ft tall glamazon, shopping is a minefield for all of us, fat or thin, short or tall.
Gillion Loney
He left the impression that he had matured
along the right lines when keeping on for third on his reappearance at the same venue just over a fortnight ago.
Keep Ilikedwayurthinkin in mind on his handicap debut
"We are confident that our Vision 2019 strategy for the ICC World Cup is progressing
along the right lines," he added.
Chris Morris returns for Australia tour
He points to countries such as the United States, France and India - where Gandhi and Nehru managed to unite thousands of divergent castes, tribes, sects and religions under a common 'idea of India' - as heading
along the right lines. Then again, some are showing worrying signs of reversion as the national conversation is taken over by an obsession with immigration, instead of the ways in which immigrants might be better integrated.
IDENTITY: Contemporary Identity Politics and the Struggle for Recognition
One thing is certain, you are thinking
along the right lines. Don't be anxious.
"What we have got here is quality of people; people who are right minded and think
along the right lines."
WHITE PRIDE WASHOUT Just 25 National Front supporters; WASHOUT Just 25 National Front supporters face hundreds of rival protesters
I think he is thinking
along the right lines, but I would remind him that the elected councillors are in their positions by the will of the council taxpayers to represent the interests and views of the council taxpayers and oversee the actions or inactions of the unelected bureaucrats who now run the council.
Too many council managers
Now, there was a great football man who believed his beloved sport had to be run
along the right lines.
/Bobby would have had his say too
"She is thinking
along the right lines," Bottoms said, "but I don't know about actualities."
Dutch-Flemish Institute hosts lecture on 'Environmental Justice'
Fletcher said: "Considering that we are building a new team with several promising youngsters gaining experience, we believe we are progressing
along the right lines." * Warwickshire Vice-Presidents proved far too strong for Coventry & District Bowls Association in the John Boilstone Memorial match - beating them by a massive 60 shots at 140-80.
we are very close, we are
along the right lines and everyone is in agreement that the changes were necessary, we just need to tweak the practicalities.
Chris Cross; RACING: JOCKEY LEFT pounds 50,000 OUT OF POCKET
That may not have been the precise response that Zelaya was hoping to provoke, because it was even stupider than you would normally expect from those people, but it was certainly
along the right lines, and he knew he could work with it.
Sailing under false colours
"I believe we were going
along the right lines. We were trying to play attractive, attacking football.
Moore's love affair with football still burns bright; The Daily Post's Tranmere Rovers reporter Nick Hilton reflects on Friday's surprise sacking of manager Ronnie Moore
"Lads like Bates, McMahon and Taylor are all strong characters who are developing very quickly
along the right lines.
Youngsters take the plaudits