"Now, that," declared Tip, proudly, "is really a very fine man, and it ought to frighten several screeches out of old Mombi!
To find clothing seemed no easy task; but Tip boldly ransacked the great chest in which Mombi kept all her keepsakes and treasures, and at the very bottom he discovered some purple trousers, a red shirt and a pink vest which was dotted with white spots.
The Marvelous Land of Oz
There are equipment, which have been introduced to protect the
tips of the endoscopes.
Endoscope Tip Protectors Market Growth to be Fuelled by 2019 to 2029
He said
TIP was our asset where we can run many businesses through it and generate revenue for country's benefit and development.
Step being taken for revival of TIP: Secretary IT
According to the widely-used travel platform Skyscanner, waiters and waitresses in these countries expect good service to be rewarded with
tips of 5 to 10 percent.
Tipping culture in the US and Europe
The tipping feature will be optional and riders and eaters will be given optional
tip values as well as an option to customise an amount for their driver.
Uber adds new feature to reward drivers through tips
We paid our $15-fare plus a $4
tip and got ready to go into the airport.
To tip or not to tip: That is the question... of culture
The counsel Shoaib Shaheen told the court during the hearing of the case that
TIP stands closed practically.
TIP has become white elephant: Justice Gulzar Ahmad
Tips was founded by business travelers who have been established with a goal to lessen the hassles of
tip processing and professional service management.
Reduce Payroll While Increasing Wages? With Ovation Tips You Can.
"I used to enjoy my job as a server because almost five out of 10 customers you have served, would
tip you," said Waguma, a Ugandan national.
UAE residents now 'reluctant' to give tips
tip 20 per cent Famous for its tipping culture, when travelling to the United States a substantial
tip is expected.
News /Take a tip from us on tipping
One is to pay tipped workers the federal minimum tipped wage of $2.13 - as long as employers opt for a "
tip credit" in which employers promise that the money made in
tips will amount to minimum wage or higher.
How a federal proposal could affect millions of dollars in Texas workers' tips
Customer Perspective--Many if not most, customers
tip based on the quality of the service received from the server.
Restaurant tipping policies may change over time
Again, participation in a true
tip pool is supposed to be only tipped employees, meaning those who receive the
tips directly from the customer.
Have we reached the tipping point? Recent change to state law may have further confused tip-pooling and tip-sharing rules