better the devil you know

better the devil you know

When faced with two options, it is better to choose the more familiar one, even if it is undesirable. A shortened form of the phrase "better the devil you know than the devil you don't know." A: "Why don't you just quit your job if you're so miserable?" B: "Who knows if a new job will be any better? Better the devil you know."
See also: better, devil, know
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

better the devil you know

mainly BRITISH
You say better the devil you know, to mean that you would rather deal with someone you already know, even if you do not like them, than deal with someone that you know nothing about, because they may be even worse. People are still voting for him. As they say, `Better the devil you know.' His challenger remains an unknown quantity. Note: This expression comes from the proverb better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
See also: better, devil, know
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

better the devil you know

it's wiser to deal with an undesirable but familiar person or situation than to risk a change that might lead to a situation with worse difficulties or a person whose faults you have yet to discover.
This phrase is a shortened form of the proverb better the devil you know than the devil you don't know .
See also: better, devil, know
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

ˌbetter the ˌdevil you ˈknow (than the devil you don’t)

(saying) it is better to deal with somebody/something bad, difficult, etc. that is familiar than to make a change and perhaps have to deal with somebody/something worse
See also: better, devil, know
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • all the better
  • all to the better
  • so much the better
  • make a better door than a window
  • so much the
  • so much the better/worse
  • (one had) better get moving
  • better get moving
  • be better placed
  • be well, ideally, better, etc. placed for something/to do something
References in periodicals archive
Tonight's songs - Rhydian:OHoly Night, Somewhere, You Raise Me Up (with Katherine Jenkins); Leon:White Christmas, You Don't Know Me, Better The Devil You Know (with Kylie Minogue); Same Difference: All I Want For Christmas Is You, Breaking Free, Any Dream Will Do (with Jason Donovan).
Rimmer and Clifton - who had come bottom of the leaderboard with 16 points in Saturday's show - danced their Viennese waltz to Sir Tom Jones' Delilah again, while King and Pritchard had another go at their cha cha to Better The Devil You Know by Kylie Minogue.
I think you've panicked and run back because it's a case of better the devil you know without giving this new school a chance.
But, for most of us, it's probably better the devil you know.
Of course, I want the owner of Aston Villa to be someone who cares about the future of the club, but I have always subscribed to the 'better the devil you know' camp when it came to new ownership.
Kylie, 47, wowed fans at Newmarket Nights in Suffolk, opening her set with Better the Devil You Know. And we all know what a devil Lady Gaga is when it comes to wicked outfits.
The Conservatives held their nerve knowing that the outgoing government usually get a lift when the voters stand in the booth and some decide it's better the devil you know.
As the old saying goes - better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.
Supporters have taken the attitude of better the devil you know, as we feared which blast from the past Ashley would foist upon us, but no longer.
Efforts include an emotional Better The Devil You Know and a stylish take of first hit The Locomotion.?
And he managed to perform the rumba to Kylie Minogue's Better The Devil You Know with partner Flavia Cacace last night.
But looking at some of the things that are being built I am reminded of the phrase "better the devil you know"
"And it's better the devil you know than one you don't.
In closing, may I say that I love my country and for me it's better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.
A true professional, Kylie managed to fend off the sore throat and belt out some of her classic hits, including the recent hit single Can't Get You Out of My Head, Better The Devil You Know and title track Fever.