It is transparent, as I said before; and being laid upon
the printed page, I have sometimes pleased myself with fancying it exerted a magnifying influence.
"Venice" stares at me from
the printed page, and I remember the cafe tables on the sidewalks.
John Barleycorn
The mere sight of
the printed page, broken up in dialogue, was anguish.
My Literary Passions
The effect was to drive all he knew out of Philip's head, and he looked at
the printed page vacantly.
Of Human Bondage
To him, the trail of the raiders would be as plain as
the printed page of an open book to her.
Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
I had learned nothing but theories of life and society that looked all very well on
the printed page, but now I had seen life itself.
The Iron Heel
Of course when one of these grand mountain ranges goes stretching across
the printed page, it adorns and ennobles that literary landscape--but at the same time it is a great distress to the new student, for it blocks up his way; he cannot crawl under it, or climb over it, or tunnel through it.
Tramp Abroad
The thought had the same sort of physical discomfort as is caused by a film of mist always coming between the eyes and
the printed page. She did her best to brush away the film and to conceive something to be worshipped as the service went on, but failed, always misled by the voice of Mr.
The Voyage Out
But when his door finally closed behind Anne and Leslie they knew that he went straight to it, and as they walked home they pictured the delight of the old man poring over
the printed pages wherein his own life was portrayed with all the charm and color of reality itself.
Annes House of Dreams
He was in the books himself, adventuring through
the printed pages of bound volumes.
Martin Eden
By much labor and through the medium of infinite patience as well, he had, without assistance, discovered the purpose of the little bugs which ran riot upon
the printed pages. He had learned that in the many combinations in which he found them they spoke in a silent language, spoke in a strange tongue, spoke of wonderful things which a little ape-boy could not by any chance fully understand, arousing his curiosity, stimulating his imagination and filling his soul with a mighty longing for further knowledge.
Jungle Tales of Tarzan
What we've discovered is that online reading is different from reading off
the printed page. The eyes bounce, flicker and dart, searching for bits of information and quick wins.
Is your smartphone changing your brain?
Among the younger group there was no difference in reading time or brain activity between the three devices, but older participants spent more time and effort when reading from
the printed page.
E-books better than traditional printed pages for elderly
the printed page, this music can play back, facilitating learning and selection of new titles.
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