all year round

all year round

Lasting or happening through the entire year. Do you have this beautiful foliage all year round? I wish we had warm weather all year round—I hate the winter. My sister is a really good tennis player—she plays all year round.
See also: all, round, year
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

all year round

Fig. throughout all the seasons of the year; during the entire year. The public swimming pool is enclosed so that it can be used all year round. In the South they can grow flowers all year round.
See also: all, round, year
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

all year round

Throughout the entire year, without regard to seasons. For example, Thanks to the indoor courts we can play tennis all year round. [Mid-1700s]
See also: all, round, year
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

ˌall (the) year ˈround

all year; all the time: The zoo is open to visitors all year round.
See also: all, round, year
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • round about
  • in round numbers
  • driving
  • buy a round
  • buy a/the round (of drinks)
  • round out
  • argue round and round
  • tear round
  • send round
  • a round for the house
References in classic literature
"And I, on the contrary, am a lazy fellow and a tramp all year round."
"I read in PILGRIM'S PROGRESS today how, after many troubles, christian and Hopeful came to a pleasant green meadow where lilies bloomed all year round, and there they rested happily, as we do now, before they went on to their journey's end," answered Beth, adding, as she slipped out of her father's arms and went to the instrument, "It's singing time now, and I want to be in my old place.
Chemist plea to keep well all year round SELF-CARE is being pushed by experts in a bid to get people managing their health all year round.
Open to the public all year round, but limited in the winter.
Rajouri (Jammu and Kashmir), June 3 ( ANI ): Kashmirs have demanded that the Mughal Road should be made operational all year round.
You can use that all year round. Same thing with your Equipoise, your Winstrols, your Decas--taken properly, those are fine all year round.
After all, this is what teachers do all year round, and if they like it enough to apply for a position at a summer camp, then their summer evolves into a logical extension of their working lives.
DJ: There are so many things that they could plant in the garden, even fruit that would grow just about all year round. Like cape gooseberries, and various plants they can plant where they are going to get a bit of fruit all year round just about, you know?
From 1968 to 1971 British Summer Time was tried all year round. But the experiment was stopped after the dark mornings caused a rise in accidents at that time.
This ingeniously engineered retractable roof over a courtyard attached to an eighteenth-century theatre in Valletta brings the space into use all year round.
While year round schooling has been suggested as an option, particularly by the Citizen's Budget Commission, Anderson says the Building Congress is concerned about renovation and construction work if school is in session all year round.
The crucial difference was the seasonality of staple production which both in the South and in England provided at least some rural employment all year round while norther agriculture left rural laborers unemployed for perhaps eight months out of the year.
But finance director Andrew Mailer said the firm has no plans to open any of its sites all year round.
The programme will start off with a normal-length run of around 10 episodes and then build to become all year round.