Christians -- Protestants and Catholics alike --
sympathize more with religious leaders, while nonreligious Americans side more solidly with the Obama administration.
Contraception Debate Divides Americans, Including Women; Americans' sympathies evenly divided between religious leaders and the Obama administration
supporters: 80% sympathize more with the Israelis in the conflict, substantially higher than the 57% of independents and Democrats sharing this view.
Additionally, adults aged 18 to 34 are slightly less likely than those 55 and older to sympathize with the Israelis.
Americans Maintain Broad Support for Israel; U.S. adults nearly four times as likely to side with Israelis as with Palestinians
The poll also suggests liberal Democrats
sympathize more with Palestinians than Israelis, 39 percent to 33 percent, respectively.
Supporters of Palestinians Increase across US
We mourn the loss of precious lives and completely
sympathize with Your Excellency and the people of Chile in bearing this enormous national calamity, the Prime Minister said in his message to the Chilean President.
PM sympathizes with Chilean President on loss of lives in massive earthquake
One fifth
sympathizes more with the Palestinians, the poll showed, the highest number by one point in Gallup's trend since 2001.
Poll Finds American Support for Israel Falls to 10-Year Low
(It's sad that there were many minors who died in the government's bloody campaign against drugs, but it's only now that the President
sympathizes. Nevertheless, the fight for justice continues.)
Hontiveros respects decision of Kian's parents to meet with Duterte
Summary: Saudi Arabia said Sunday it would punish anyone who belongs to Hezbollah,
sympathizes with it, finances it or harbors its members.
Saudi Arabia says will punish Hezbollah supporters
"There is one party in the country which
sympathizes with the Syrian people and another side regrettably which
sympathizes with the Syrian regime.
Politics - Hobyesh: we propose radical solution for arms
Students might say that because influenza can be a deadly virus, the cartoonist
sympathizes with people who are forced to rely on unusual methods to acquire the vaccine.
Political cartoon
According to a number of reports, Danish director Lars Von Trier was banned from the Cannes Film Festival after he made comments during a press conference about how he "
sympathizes" with Adolf Hitler and that he is a Nazi.
Lars Von Trier: Banned from Cannes after comments about Hitler, Nazis
Since some gay men are "powerfully attracted" to boys, Peters writes, he
sympathizes with the Scouts' efforts to block homosexuals from becoming scoutmasters.
(That's all Panama was, a transshipment point that the Colombian cocaine cartels could and did map around when it was eventually shut down.) He
sympathizes with the federal prosecutor who complains bitterly that Washington won't twist Spain's arm for the extradition of a Colombian narcotrafficker because it might mean the loss of all U.S.
A Splendid Little Drug War: Tragedy, farce, and fake brass cojones south of the border. (Culture & Reviews)
Foreman understands this yearning for accountability; he
sympathizes with a desire for "livable" communities.
The Promise and Peril of Environmental Justice
Although Fraser
sympathizes with the monarchy she also shows that France needed much more than a well-meaning monarch manipulated and ruled by an extravagant court riddled with intrigue and indifference to the needs of the people.
Marie Antoinette; the Journey