

vulgar slang Someone who performs fellatio. I heard she's a total sword-swallower, dude.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • sword swallowing
  • sword-swallowing
  • head-job
  • pillow-biter
  • (something) blows
  • get brain
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • run someone out of town
  • (as) gay as a three-dollar bill
References in periodicals archive
MEET sexy sword-swallower Miss Behave - one of only three women in the world who perform this death-defying feat.
"To my knowledge there are only three female sword-swallowers in the world - and there are around 200 men who do it."
THE Space Cowboy - Chayne Hultgren, Australian juggler, unicyclist and sword-swallower - was yesterday crowned first Street Performance World Champion.
The 32-year-old had been watching a sword-swallower on TV while drinking with friends when they started arguing about how the trick is done.
AN airline executive almost died after being treated like a circus sword-swallower during a routine throat examination, a court heard yesterday.
But what she finds is a decaying and corpse-ridden "carnevil" plagued by a swamp of killer clowns, sword-swallowers, demon dwarves, death-defying aerialists and a Guinness World Record-holding "Hairculian" diva who swings from her hair.
Each evening at sundown, a lecturer would set up a table alongside the snakecharmers and sword-swallowers of Jemaa el Fna, the city's main thoroughfare, only to deliver a primer on basic geometric shapes.
When the aforementioned discussion first arose, she was working on a production of Pagliacci directed by Franco Zeffirelli, whose lavish staging included sword-swallowers, fireeaters, a live donkey, and a 300-pound transvestite.
First there are the performers -- from the clowns to acrobatics and trapeze artists to the sword-swallowers, fire-breathers and strongmen.
Some of the types of artists the market is interested in include musicians, acrobats, clowns, comedians, contortionists, dancers, fire eaters, jugglers, magicians, mimes, puppeteers, snake charmers, storytellers, poets, street artists, street theater performers and sword-swallowers. The Farmers' Market runs from 3 p.m.
Boasting more than just the regular sword-swallowers and fire-breathers, Circus of Horrors is a travelling troupe of freaks and acrobats.
She had known fire-eaters and elephants and sword-swallowers on a daily basis, but never the inside of a synagogue.
Alongside acrobats and sword-swallowers, it features Gary Stretch, whose skin condition means he 'can pull the skin on the neck right over his face'.
And guests at the black-tie ball will be entertained by tumblers, sword-swallowers and fire-eaters.