Of land-birds I obtained twenty-six kinds, all peculiar to the group and found nowhere else, with the exception of one lark-like finch from North America (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), which ranges on that continent as far north as 54 degs., and generally frequents marshes.
All these species are peculiar to this archipelago; and so is the whole group, with the exception of one species of the sub-group Cactornis, lately brought from Bow Island, in the Low Archipelago.
With the exception of a wren with a fine yellow breast, and of a tyrant-flycatcher with a scarlet tuft and breast, none of the birds are brilliantly coloured, as might have been expected in an equatorial district.
The Voyage of the Beagle
with the exception of the fragile memory which the author of this book here consecrates to it, there remains to-day nothing whatever of the mysterious word engraved within the gloomy tower of Notre-Dame,--nothing of the destiny which it so sadly summed up.
Notre Dame de Paris
Clean shaven, with the exception of narrow half-whiskers.
"Look back at the description: 'Hair cut rather short, clean shaven, with the exception of narrow half-whiskers.' The wretch was safe from pursuit; he had ample time at his disposal--don't you see how he could completely alter the appearance of his head and face?
I Say No
The officers (
with the exception of Wardour, who stood apart in sullen silence) all agreed, so far.
The Frozen Deep
The interval,
with the exception of the last few months, has been chiefly spent by the author tossing about on the wide ocean.
With the exception of the effective date of the regulations, the new proposed regulations are substantially the same as the proposed and temporary regulations issued in 1998.
Subpart F treatment of hybrid branches and partnerships