the odd man/one out

(the) odd man out

1. Someone who is excluded from or left out of a group for some reason. Ever since his injury, John has been odd man out when his friends go to play football together. I never really fit in with others. Even in elementary school I was usually the odd man out.
2. Something or someone that is decidedly or markedly different, atypical, or unusual in comparison to others in a group. My clunky old truck is quite the odd man out next to all my coworkers' new SUVs. You're going to be odd man out if you go to a dinner party dressed like that!
See also: man, odd, out
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

odd man out

an unusual or atypical person or thing. I'm odd man out because I'm not wearing a tie. You had better learn to use the new system software unless you want to be odd man out.
See also: man, odd, out
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

odd man out

1. A person who is left out of a group for some reason, as in The invitation was for couples only, so Jane was odd man out. [Mid-1800s]
2. Something or someone who differs markedly from the others in a group, as in Among all those ranch-style houses, their Victorian was odd man out. [Late 1800s]
See also: man, odd, out
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

odd one (or man) out

1 someone or something that is different to the others. 2 someone who is not able to fit easily or comfortably into a group or society.
See also: odd, one, out
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

the odd man/one ˈout

a person or thing that is different from others or does not fit easily into a group or set: That’s the problem with 13 people in a group. If you need to work in pairs, there’s always an odd one out. Tom is nearly always the odd man out. He never wants to do what we want to do, or go where we want to go.
See also: man, odd, one, out
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

odd man out

One of a group who is not selected or included, or who differs markedly from the others. At first applied only to persons, the term later was extended also to inanimate objects, as in “This checkered tablecloth is odd man out in a formal dining room.”
See also: man, odd, out
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • (the) odd man out
  • odd man out
  • odd one out
  • (the) odd one out
  • bring (someone) in from the cold
  • odd and curious
  • fruit
  • fruiter
  • left out in the cold
  • be left (out) in the cold