swim in (something)

swim in (something)

1. Literally, to immerse oneself in a pool or body of water and swim in it. We went swimming in the lake out back every day during the summer.
2. By extension, to be totally covered with or submerged in some liquid. There were a few measly strawberries swimming in cream, so it wasn't much of a dessert.
3. To have or experience an abundance or overabundance of something. Don't worry about your cousins, their parents are swimming in money. You don't need any more toys—you and your sister are positively swimming in them. When we opened our doors, we were swimming in customers within minutes.
See also: swim
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

swim in something

1. Lit. to swim in a body of water. Is it safe to swim in this water? Can we swim in your pool?
2. Fig. to experience an overabundance of something. (Not directly related to {2}) We are just swimming in orders right now. Business is good. Mr. Wilson is swimming in money.
See also: swim

swimming in something

Fig. having lots of something. Right now we are swimming in merchandise. In a month it will be gone. The Wilmington-Thorpes are just swimming in money.
See also: swimming
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

swim in

1. To be covered or flooded with or as if with some liquid: This roast beef is swimming in gravy.
2. To possess a large amount of something; abound in something: After winning the lottery, she was swimming in money.
See also: swim
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.

swimming in something

in. having lots of something. Right now we are swimming in merchandise. In a month it will be gone.
See also: something, swimming
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • swim in
  • swimming in
  • swimming in something
  • plunge into
  • plunge into (something)
  • wash (one's) hands of (someone or something)
  • wash hands of
  • wash one's hands of
  • wash your hands of
  • wash your hands of somebody/something