
Related to thanks: Thanos


1. A more informal way to say "thank you." A: "Here is the report you asked for, Mr. Lubbock." B: "Thanks, Tom." Thanks for being such a good friend, Billy.
2. Gratitude or appreciation. Let's make sure we show her our thanks at the reception. I've worked here for 30 years, and this is the thanks I get?
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Thanks (a lot).

 and Thank you a lot. 
1. Inf. Thank you, I am grateful. Bill: Here, take mine. Bob: Thanks a lot. Mary: Well, here's your pizza. Bill: Thanks.
2. That is not worth much.; That is nothing to be grateful for. (Sarcasm is indicated by the tone of voice used with this expression.) John: I'm afraid that you're going to have to work the night shift. Bob: Thanks a lot. Fred: Here's your share of the money. We had to take out nearly half to make up for the damage you did to the car. Bill: Thanks a lot.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
  • a vote of thanks
  • give thanks for small blessings
  • give thanks for small mercies
  • I'm fine
  • I'm good
  • no thanks to
  • no thanks to (someone or something)
  • no thanks to somebody/something
  • no thanks to you
  • no, thank you
  • no, thanks
  • not right now
  • not right now, thanks
  • nothing for me(, thanks)
  • Nothing for me, thanks
  • pickthank
  • so long, and thanks for all the fish
  • thank (one) for (something)
  • thank God for small blessings
  • thank God for small favors
  • thank God for small mercies
  • thanks
  • thanks a bunch
  • thanks a heap
  • thanks a lot
  • thanks a million
  • thanks a ton
  • thanks awfully
  • thanks be
  • thanks be to God
  • thanks but no thanks
  • thanks for a (some kind of) evening
  • thanks for a (some kind of) time
  • thanks for calling
  • thanks for inviting me
  • thanks for nothing
  • thanks for sharing
  • thanks for the buggy ride
  • thanks for the lift
  • Thanks for the ride
  • thanks heaps
  • thanks in advance
  • thanks kindly
  • thanks loads
  • thanks so much
  • thanks to
  • thanks to somebody/something
  • thanks very much
  • thanks, but no thanks
  • vote of thanks
References in classic literature
"Not so dreadful as it might have been, but a bitter, sad thing to see that child, only seventeen, lying there in her little clean, old night-gown, waiting for death to come and take her, because 'there did n't seem to be any room for her in the world.' Ah, well, we saved her, for it was n't too late, thank heaven, and the first thing she said was, 'Oh, why did you bring me back?' I 've been nursing her all day, hearing her story, and trying to show her that there is room and a welcome for her.
Thanks To U asks users to roll back the days, weeks, months and even years to acknowledge and appreciate a kindness or action, and reach that person by publicly saying thank you.
Harry took to Twitter to thank fans for their support during the past five years and said: "We have been a band for five years.
We say thank you to the Israeli David who once again defeated the Palestinian Goliath.
The Sisters and Brother of the late BILLY would like to thank the Staff of Herring Care and Marie Curie for taking care of Billy.
On the sad loss of Ron, Ettie and Garry would like to thank all who attended his funeral, also for cards of condolence and help received from neighbours, relations and friends during his illness, also for kind donations.
SMITH Florence Eunice (Flo) Ray and family would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all friends, Staff and friends at both Shortwood Court and Wyken Court for their help, love, support and kind messages of sympathy received on the sad loss of Flo.
Doreen, Linda and Joy, the family of the late John William wish to express their sincere thanks to all relatives, friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown to them during their recent bereavement.
HUNTER John My sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for help, cards, donations and for attending the funeral.
Scottish and Newcastle say ban will cost pounds 10m and some more copy goes into this space in here for this thanks very muchindeedy and some more into here thanks
I have yet to receive even one message of thanks, which could have easily been enclosed with those same receipts at no additional cost to the parish.
Thanks to the great gray owls that came down from Canada last winter to offer birdwatchers like me beauty in the snow.
This is for you, Ted: three times three times three big time thank yous.]
Starting off, Thanks to Associate Editor Peter Durkin, for a look at the remarkable fan craftsmanship of Patrick Scott (Navajo).