Couldn't ever
tell the difference between a sheet and a tackle, simply couldn't.
South Sea Tales
The technology is capable of picking up on the subtler distinctions between the same brand aged in different barrels, with more than 99 per cent accuracy and able to
tell the difference between those aged for 12, 15 and 18 years.
Techno 'tongue' spots fake booze
The technology is capable of picking up on the subtler distinctions between the same brand aged in different barrels, with more than 99% accuracy, and able to
tell the difference between those aged for 12, 15 and 18 years.
Artificial 'tongue' could detect counterfeit dram; ? Metal tastebuds' potential for food safety, quality and security
Penn State food scientists recruited a total of 292 regular ice-cream consumers to take part in the blind taste tests to determine their overall acceptability of various fat levels in fresh ice cream and to see if they could
tell the difference between samples.
Does ice cream with more fat really taste better?
The intelligent system can
tell the difference between a real fire and common causes of false alarms, and is designed to be as minimally visible as possible.
Mold fire safety firm wins contract for Moneypenny office
I don't Know if people can
tell the difference between DRINKING that and a bottle of Alpine spring water, unless I need to see the doc about my taste buds.
Buying water; MAILBAG
Your customers can
tell the difference between an organization that lives the values that trust represents and one that doesn't.
How much do you care?
IT'S hard to
tell the difference between Tana Ramsay and Victoria Beckham these days, as this picture shows - almost identical jeans, vest, shades, even hair.
IT'S hard to tell the [...]
Truth is we're imposters, old fogeys into our mid-30s who couldn't
tell the difference between dubstep and stairlift.
can buy a cut-price suit along with your groceries - and can most of us even
tell the difference between budget or blowout?
One is pounds 565three under pounds 60, [...]
Davies adds: "It has proven very popular and in taste tests 75% of people failed to
tell the difference between Brains Black and Guinness, and even amongst those who did detect a difference a high proportion found Brains Black more appealing taste-wise."
Brains' brainwave - selling Welsh stout in Ireland
Pensioners' Forum Wales says member of the public can find it hard to
tell the difference between charity collection bags and ones that private companies use to collect goods that they sell to make a profit.
Charity bags 'need clearer labelling'
Bemused shoppers struggled to
tell the difference between the 18-year-olds, from London, who were dressed the same and mirrored one another's movements.
Can you spot the difference?
Travel agents who cater to clients striving to be environmentally friendly need to be able to
tell the difference between a resort that really is green and those that are "green-washing." Bucuti Beach CEO Ewald Biemans offers suggestions for ways to tell the difference.
Travel Environment Watch - North America