
Related to teeth: Wisdom teeth
  • (as) rare as hens' teeth
  • (as) scarce as hens' teeth
  • a kick in the teeth
  • arm to the teeth
  • armed to the teeth
  • as old as my eyes and a little (bit) older than my teeth
  • bare (one's) teeth
  • bare one's teeth
  • bare your teeth
  • be armed to the teeth
  • be as scarce as hen's teeth
  • be fed up to the back teeth
  • be no skin off (one's) teeth
  • better than a kick in the teeth
  • by the skin of (one's) teeth
  • by the skin of one's teeth
  • by the skin of teeth
  • by the skin of your teeth
  • cast in (one's) teeth
  • cast something in someone's teeth
  • cut (one's) teeth
  • cut (one's) teeth in (something)
  • cut (one's) teeth on (something)
  • cut (one's) wisdom teeth
  • cut one's teeth on
  • cut one's teeth on, to
  • cut teeth
  • cut teeth on
  • cut your teeth
  • cut your teeth on something
  • do something by the skin of your teeth
  • dressed to the nines
  • dressed to the teeth
  • drop (one's) teeth
  • drop one’s teeth
  • drop teeth
  • fed to the gills
  • fed to the teeth
  • fed up to the back teeth
  • fed up to the back teeth (with someone or something)
  • fed up to the back teeth with somebody/something
  • fed up to the teeth
  • fight tooth and nail
  • fly in the face of
  • fly in the teeth of (something)
  • get (one's) teeth in
  • get (one's) teeth into (something)
  • get one’s teeth into something
  • get one's teeth into (something), to
  • get teeth into
  • get the bit between (one's) teeth
  • get the bit between your teeth
  • get your teeth into
  • get your teeth into something
  • get/sink your teeth into something
  • get/take the bit between your teeth
  • give (one's) eyeteeth
  • give (one's) eyeteeth for (something)
  • give eyeteeth
  • give one's eyeteeth
  • give teeth to
  • give teeth to (something)
  • give your eye teeth for
  • give your eye teeth for something/to do something
  • gnash (one's) teeth
  • gnash one's teeth
  • gnash one's teeth, to
  • gnash teeth
  • gnash your teeth
  • gnashing of teeth
  • grind (one's) teeth
  • grind together
  • grind your teeth
  • grit (one's) teeth
  • grit one's teeth
  • grit one's teeth, to
  • grit teeth
  • grit your teeth
  • have teeth
  • have the bit between (one's) teeth
  • have the bit in (one's) teeth
  • hell's teeth
  • hens' teeth
  • in the face of (something)
  • in the teeth of
  • in the teeth of (something)
  • in the teeth of danger, opposition, etc.
  • kick (one) in the teeth
  • kick in the pants, a
  • kick in the seat of the pants
  • kick in the teeth
  • kick somebody in the teeth
  • kick someone in the teeth
  • lie through (one's) teeth
  • lie through one's teeth
  • lie through one's teeth, to
  • lie through teeth
  • lie through your teeth
  • like pulling teeth
  • make (one's) teeth itch
  • my back teeth are floating
  • no skin off (one's) teeth
  • no skin off teeth
  • pull or teeth
  • pull teeth
  • put (one's) teeth on edge
  • put some teeth into
  • put teeth in(to) (something)
  • rare as hen's teeth
  • rare/scarce as hen's teeth
  • rarer than hens' teeth
  • scarce as hen's teeth
  • scarcer than hens' teeth
  • set (one's) teeth
  • set (one's) teeth on edge
  • set one's teeth on edge
  • set one's teeth on edge, to
  • set somebody's teeth on edge
  • set someone's teeth on edge
  • set teeth on edge
  • set your teeth
  • set your teeth on edge
  • show (one's) teeth
  • show teeth
  • show your teeth
  • sink (one's) teeth in
  • sink (one's) teeth into (something)
  • sink one’s teeth into something
  • sink one's teeth into
  • sink one's teeth into, to
  • sink teeth into
  • skin of your teeth
  • sow dragon's teeth
  • take the bit between (one's) teeth
  • take the bit between the teeth
  • take the bit between the teeth, to
  • take the bit in (one's) teeth
  • take the bit in one's mouth
  • take the bit in teeth
  • take the teeth out of
  • the gods send nuts to those who have no teeth
  • tinsel teeth
  • tinsel-teeth
  • to the teeth
  • when chickens have teeth
  • would give your eye teeth
References in classic literature
One leap more and his teeth would be sinking into it.
She, too, soared high, but not so high as the quarry, and her teeth clipped emptily together with a metallic snap.
His teeth closed upon the rabbit, and he bore it back to earth with him.
But she proceeded to punish him roundly, until he gave over all attempts at placation, and whirled in a circle, his head away from her, his shoulders receiving the punishment of her teeth.
As he sank back with it between his teeth, he kept his eye on the sapling.
Not with the smouldering, smothering, choking hysteria that still worked in the fox-terriers did he listen, nor with quivering of muscles and jumps of over-wrought nerves, but coolly, composedly, as if no battle royal had just taken place and no rips of teeth and kicks of feet still burned and ached his body.
He could not help bristling, however, when first he sniffed a trousers' leg into which his teeth had so recently torn.
In vain Buck strove to sink his teeth in the neck of the big white dog.
Children in some areas of mediaeval England were instructed to burn their baby teeth in order to avoid having to spend eternity searching for them in the afterlife.
Animals such as Mexico's Ratoncito Perez bring gifts in exchange for teeth, as do mouse tooth fairies in France and Italy.
Studies have shown that most human teeth are not naturally pearl white.
Tooth decay, also known as dental caries, is a breakdown of teeth due to acids made by bacteria.
Your cat's teeth are made up of several layers, just like yours.
Two thousands and seventy two teeth were extracted from 1700 patients (786 male 45.2%, and 932 female 54.8%) presented to oral surgery department.
25 ( ANI ): Vaping does not stain teeth, a new research has suggested.