
super duper

1. adjective A childish term meaning excellent or awesome. Usually hyphenated and used before a noun. Tommy got a super-duper new video game console for Christmas. A: "How was the water park, Billy?" B: "Oh gee, Mom, it was super duper!"
2. adverb Extremely; very much or to a great degree. We're all super duper excited to meet your new girlfriend! It was super duper hot in Spain, so we stayed on the beach most of the time. Aw, jeez, I'm super-duper sorry about that!
See also: duper, super
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and super-dooper
mod. excellent. That’s just super-duper. Couldn’t have asked for better.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • duper
  • super duper
  • dooper
  • heads I win, tails you lose
  • double or nothing
  • a round robin
  • round robin
  • eleventh hour
  • bleeding edge
  • can-do
References in periodicals archive
Mojang confirmed that the Super-Duper Graphics Pack will land on Xbox One and Windows 10, but it didn't specify which other platforms will receive it.
Mind you, we've also had Glasgow councillors choosing to shell out PS500,000 on finding a new super-duper slogan for the city.
"[The military] asks for a Batman airplane, a super-duper aircraft that could do everything.
"In fairness, if you ask a Cardiff or Swansea fan if they would rather have a good Welsh player or a super-duper foreign player, I think they would go for a super-duper foreign player.
While there, pick up a jar or two of their super-duper delicious house-made strawberry jams and jellies.
Perhaps instead of doing this M&S ought to take over the whole of Queensgate market and open a super-duper store for us all YVONNE RADCLIFFE Huddersfield
Terrapin is another hot Southern crafter producing some super-duper limited edition beers.
Millions of pounds have been spent on swopping the bus station and car park round, digging up New Street and laying super-duper new paving, not to mention the civic centre being built.
But whilst most of us are excited about this super-duper complex, spare a thought at running it on a day-to-day basis.
* a special SUPER-DUPER FLOWER SEEDS double envelope (Each end opens to a different compartment.
Indicatears, 3 WALK ON It might look like it hails from the lowest ebb of 80s design but there's a lot of audiophile tech lurking under the Walkman-type stylings of this super-duper unattractive personal music player.
As I consider blacking out I remember thinking it'd have to be some super-duper technique.
We are going to spend all of the money on our garden to make it super-duper. Thank you so much for all your help.
In response to the Minister of Economics and Fiscal Policy, Hiroko Ota's assertion that Japan may no longer be considered a "first class economy," Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda was quoted by the Nikkei's English edition as saying, "There are super-duper parts in the economy.
BIG Brother housemates were partying last night after turning down the offer of "super-duper" food rations.