Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes
(one's) Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes
One's very best clothes, as one might wear to a Sunday church service. Instead of some big party, let's all get dressed up in our Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes and go for lunch at a fancy restaurant for my birthday! This is going to be a formal event, so please come dressed in your Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes. The only time we got dressed up in Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes and went to mass was for Christmas and Easter.
See also: clothes
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes
Rur. one's best clothes. (See also Sunday best.) John was all dressed up in his Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes. I hate to be wearing my Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes when everyone else is casually dressed.
See also: clothes
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes
Best finery. Churchgoers never wore their everyday clothing to worship service. Instead, they wore their Sunday best, their Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes.
See also: clothes
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
- (one's) Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes
- clothes
- (one's) Sunday finest
- (one's) Sunday best
- get into (one's) Sunday best
- Sunday best
- your Sunday best
- in (one's) Sunday best
- in Sunday best
- be in (one's) Sunday best