Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes

(one's) Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes

One's very best clothes, as one might wear to a Sunday church service. Instead of some big party, let's all get dressed up in our Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes and go for lunch at a fancy restaurant for my birthday! This is going to be a formal event, so please come dressed in your Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes. The only time we got dressed up in Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes and went to mass was for Christmas and Easter.
See also: clothes
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes

Rur. one's best clothes. (See also Sunday best.) John was all dressed up in his Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes. I hate to be wearing my Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes when everyone else is casually dressed.
See also: clothes
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes

Best finery. Churchgoers never wore their everyday clothing to worship service. Instead, they wore their Sunday best, their Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes.
See also: clothes
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • (one's) Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes
  • clothes
  • (one's) Sunday finest
  • (one's) Sunday best
  • get into (one's) Sunday best
  • Sunday best
  • your Sunday best
  • in (one's) Sunday best
  • in Sunday best
  • be in (one's) Sunday best
References in periodicals archive
Dressed in his "Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes," and with some "sweet water" dabbed under his arms, an anxious but determined Jones was planning to make his way alone to Woolworth's in downtown Charlotte, N.C.
If pup is allowed to jump up on you when you are wearing your jeans, he will certainly think the same behavior is appropriate when you are in your best Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes.
In the days of the Incas, working in the fields was regarded as a joy rather than a grim duty, and folk dressed in their Sunday-go-to-Meeting clothes to bring in the harvests.