the knacker's yard

the knacker's yard

A state of ruin or failure due to having become useless or obsolete. Refers to a slaughterhouse for old or injured horses. Once a booming industry before the age of the Internet, home video rental has largely ended up in the knacker's yard these days.
See also: yard
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • ready for the knacker's yard
  • knacker
  • end up in the knacker's yard
  • gone goose
  • gone coon
  • gone coon, a
  • a gone coon
  • kick (someone or something) to the curb
  • nun
  • old gray mare
References in periodicals archive
Tomorrow's vote may provide a clearer view of whether it will be put out to pasture or sent to the knacker's yard.
And that's how lucky Knickers avoided the knacker's yard. Geoff said: "So we thought let's leave him here, he's not hurting anyone."
As for The Globe restoration acting as a costly catalyst for Stockton High Street resurrection, surely that particular horse ended up in the knacker's yard long ago!
But he was to become a national cause celebre when the temple elders refused to commit him to the knacker's yard and called for a Judicial Review.
IT appears new New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's policies may already be destined for the knacker's yard after he announced plans to ban Manhattan's historic horse and carriages.
WHEN I first clapped eyes on Yaya Toure, I thought he looked like a player ready for the knacker's yard.
Little do these hapless wannabes know that the only place they are heading for is the knacker's yard.
They're clueless as to what the majority of the electorate thinks, wants or needs and they still don't understand that Britain is fast hurtling towards the knacker's yard and that if we don't find a way out of the financial crisis - we're finished.
Unless the owners quickly get a grip the end of the road might be the knacker's yard!
Consign them to history, and the horses who need their conditions in order to succeed to the paddock or the knacker's yard? I am deeply concerned that the great variety that makes up this sport I love is being whittled away.
We might be able to fix some of them, while the others are destined for the knacker's yard," said Assem el-Leithy, one of the ministerial employees engaged in this task.
The weather was dreich and cold, the hoops - the 40 per cent rule - proved insurmountable, the referendum bombed, the government fell (helped to the knacker's yard by a crazy decision by the SNP to back Mrs Thatcher in the subsequent vote of confidence) and a long, dark night descended on Scotland.
Our 'social centres' such as our pubs are fast disappearing and Mr Huddleston does many people a grave injustice by implying that any elderly person who does not want to shop at a supermarket and would prefer to pass the time of day with a shop assistant must be just one step away from the knacker's yard.
(Even if it didn't win it would do better than the knacker's yard candidates usually backed by your truly.) The fearless bridge divers of Betws y Coed taking an unexpected gold for synchronised belly-flopping at the Beijing Games?
If we don't start taking our health and more importantly, our children's health more seriously, I fear this tiny island will be engulfed by hordes of puffing, wheezing over-weight blimps fit only for the knacker's yard.