
(one's) for the asking

Available for one to obtain or achieve without any effort (because or as if one simply has to ask to be given something). With your famous parents, any job is yours for the asking. Some of us, though, actually put in the time and effort to get the jobs we want. As I promised, you can pick anything in the store you'd like to take home with you—it's yours for the asking.
See also: ask

(someone) will get (someone's)

Someone will incur the punishment that they rightly deserve. Now please don't take out some sort of vigilante justice on Leo. He'll get his in the end, don't you worry. She cheated off me during the test? Oh, she'll get hers, alright!
See also: get, will

be (one's) for the asking

To be available for one to easily obtain or achieve. With your famous parents, any job is yours for the asking. Some of us, though, actually have to apply for jobs.
See also: ask

be (one's) for the taking

To be available for one to easily obtain or achieve. With your famous parents, any job is yours for the taking. Some of us, though, actually have to apply for jobs. Our probable valedictorian has been pretty distracted lately, so I think the title is yours for the taking.
See also: taking

beat (something) all to pieces

To be exceptionally better than something else. The sequel was pretty good, but I still think the original beats it all to pieces. I have used dozens of different cameras during my career, but I have to say that this one beats them all to pieces.
See also: all, beat, piece

get (one's)

1. To receive one's the punishment or retribution one deserves. Don't worry about those stool pigeons, we'll make sure they get theirs when the time is right. She cheated off me during the test? Oh, she'll get hers, alright!
2. To become wealthy or financially successful. After growing up in poverty, Jim was determined to get his no matter what it took.
See also: get

theirs not to reason why

It is not someone's position or place to question or defy a situation, order, or the way things are done. Taken from a line from Lord Alfred Tennyson's 1854 poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade," describing the British cavalry as they obeyed orders to ride into certain death in the Crimean War. Can also be phrased as "ours not to reason why." It is a difficult balance to strike. We must have well trained soldiers who obey orders, theirs not to reason why, yet we can't have those willing to perpetrate war crimes or follow foolish orders to their own deaths, either.
See also: not, reason, theirs, why
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

foot in the door, get one's

Achieve an initial stage; succeed with a first step. For example, I think I could do well in an interview once I get my foot in the door with an appointment. This term alludes to the door-to-door salesperson or canvasser who blocks the door with one foot so it cannot be closed.
See also: foot, get
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

theirs (or ours) not to reason why

it is not someone's place to question a situation, order, or system.
This phrase comes from Tennyson's poem ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ ( 1854 ), which describes how, in a notorious incident in the Crimean War, the British cavalry unquestioningly obeyed a suicidal order to ride straight at the Russian guns.
See also: not, reason, theirs, why
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • (one's) for the asking
  • for the asking
  • hers
  • one's for the asking
  • ours
  • be (one's) for the asking
  • be somebody's for the asking
  • be somebody's for the taking
  • be (one's) for the taking
  • for the taking
References in classic literature
Bad enemies are they: nothing is more revengeful than their meekness.
Meanwhile the two gentlemen, each looking very hard at the last shilling grumblingly, as if it might become eighteen-pence if he kept his eyes on it, descended the doorsteps, ascended their carriages, and drove away, leaving Miss Twinkleton on a bonnet-box in tears.
The more he came to know them, the more they vindicated their superiority, the more they displayed their mysterious powers, the greater loomed their god-likeness.
The road the French would take was unknown, and so the closer our troops trod on their heels the greater distance they had to cover.
All stood together on the deck, For a charnel-dungeon fitter: All fixed on me their stony eyes, That in the Moon did glitter.
"Oh, sir!" answered Tom, "your poor gamekeeper, with all his large family, ever since your discarding him, have been perishing with all the miseries of cold and hunger: I could not bear to see these poor wretches naked and starving, and at the same time know myself to have been the occasion of all their sufferings.
"I was the mirror in which they beheld themselves, the staff of their old age, and the object in which, with submission to Heaven, all their wishes centred, and mine were in accordance with theirs, for I knew their worth; and as I was mistress of their hearts, so was I also of their possessions.
The way of it was that two men faced each other across a corner, their right elbows resting on the bar, their right hands gripped together, while each strove to press the other's hand down.
But forgetting all the warnings of preceding ages--forgetting the lessons written in the blood of her own children, through centuries of departed time--she undertook to tax the people of the colonies without their consent.
Environed by them, while the Woodman and the Farmer worked unheeded, those two of the large jaws, and those other two of the plain and the fair faces, trod with stir enough, and carried their divine rights with a high hand.
"For THEIRS. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Some time after, asking a friend at court how they came to fix on that determinate number, he told me that his majesty's mathematicians, having taken the height of my body by the help of a quadrant, and finding it to exceed theirs in the proportion of twelve to one, they concluded from the similarity of their bodies, that mine must contain at least 1724 of theirs, and consequently would require as much food as was necessary to support that number of Lilliputians.
It appears then that the world judge correctly, why should you be ashamed of their favorable judgment?' The difficulty lies in the interpretation of the word 'judgment' or 'opinion.' The opinion is the world's, truly, but it may be called theirs as a man would call a book his, having bought it; he did not write the book, but it is his; they did not originate the opinion, but it is theirs.
THE Gallant Crew at a life-saving station were about to launch their life-boat for a spin along the coast when they discovered, but a little distance away, a capsized vessel with a dozen men clinging to her keel.
Once, coming to the edge of the grove near the bungalow, he saw the house-boys and the cook, clustered on the back veranda and peering curiously among the trees, talking and laughing with one another in their queer falsetto voices.