suggestive of rheumatic fever was obtained in 85 cases.
A pilot study on the prevalence of rheumatic heart disease among children of 5-15 years in Ballabhgarh block of Haryana using echocardiography with doppler
Common first neurologic events that are
suggestive of MS include optic neuritis or acute partial transverse myelitis.
Early start to MS therapy boosts long-term outcomes
Furthermore, skulls and limb bones at El Sidron display cut marks
suggestive of butchering and show crushed areas, presumably where brains and marrow were removed during cannibalism, the scientists say.
Neandertals' tough Stone Age lives
The Company's strategy is to differentiate its restaurants by emphasizing consistently high-quality food and service, generous portions at moderate prices and a casual atmosphere
suggestive of the Australian Outback.
Winick does double duty as restaurant takes a stake in SI
"In general, insects have a taste somewhat
suggestive of nuts, such as almonds."
Pass the bugs, please!
In 1981, in a group of 96 men who have sex with men with symptoms
suggestive of proctitis in the United States, Quinn et al.
Rectal lymphogranuloma venereum, France
Just under 3 per cent of Canadians aged 25 to 46 years have experienced at least one manic episode
suggestive of Bipolar I Disorder according to the data from the 2002 Canadian Community Health Survey: Mental Health and Well-being.
Most bi-polars are employed supports make the difference
"That is not
suggestive of someone with whom you are having a relationship.
Doc 'was harassed by patient'
The setting lends the school in the video a suburban air eerily
suggestive of a place like Columb ine.
Jennifer Reeder: Julia Friedman Gallery. (Chicago)
IOM issues one of four ratings when determining risk: sufficient; limited or suggestive; inadequate or insufficient; or limited or
suggestive of no association.
VA links Agent Orange and diabetes. (Service)
"The biochemical markers in blood that are
suggestive of poor eating alcohol and exercise habits may not manifest themselves until later in life.
Study Reveals Battle Over Tests Used to Determine Mortality Risk
The wildly different dynamics--the ultra-fast huddled spin juxtaposed with the dancers suspending in splayed positions, the quick, flat-footed steps alternating with serene, refined waltzing--were
suggestive of a world out of kilter, perhaps a statement on the right-wing condition in Vienna today.
Contrasting with traditional narratives of the search for origins in some utopian or prelapsarian past, these figurative returns to the troubled history of the Middle Passage are
suggestive of black writers' continuing struggle with issues of identity and representation in their art.
Reading the painterly text: Clarence Major's "The Slave Trade: View from the Middle Passage."
It is curious that Haskin chooses this "place" where Milton is expanding the authority of restrictions rather than a moment more
suggestive of Milton seeking a liberating fluidity.
Milton's Burden of Interpretation
Despite being made of wrought iron (the gates were hand-beaten and wrought locally by Architectural Ironworks), their tacky appearance is more
suggestive of glass fibre or even papier mache.