suck it

suck it

1. rude slang An expression of anger, scorn, or disdain. A: "You never do any chores around the house, you just leave them for the rest of us!" B: "Oh, suck it! I don't have to listen to your crap." If you don't like the way I do things around here, you can just go suck it!
2. rude slang An expression of condescension, especially following a triumph over someone. I just demolished your high score! Suck it, Johnny!
See also: suck
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • go (and) boil your head
  • (go) suck a egg
  • (go) suck a lemon
  • go suck an egg
  • lemon
  • Suck my penis!
  • go and eat coke
  • bits and pieces
  • suck the kumara
  • sucking
References in periodicals archive
It's a little device you put babies food or pieces of mashed up fruit in and they suck it out like a lollipop.
You nurse the mare for 11 months, making sure everything is all right with her, and then when the foal is born, gets up and takes a suck it's a wonderful experience."
And, at least on the surface, he's a control freak, a man convinced that "when we suck it's mostly because I suck." All this makes him an ideal character for Bissinger, who likes to write about "heart, desire, passion" and who is a little too fond of overwrought prose and purple similes.
But these teeth aren't designed for chewing; they spear the prey as the shark readies to suck it down whole.
"When you've been doing it a long time to write something that doesn't suck it's always good.