Related to tear: tear gas, meniscus tear
1. slang A spree, binge, or indulgence of intense or prolonged alcohol consumption. Me and my pals went on quite a tear last night to celebrate Jack's birthday. We're all paying for it today, though. A: "I didn't expect Pete to be drunk already!" B: "Oh, he's been on a tear all day."
2. slang A sudden showing or burst of intense energy or activity. A: "Why is Mom cleaning every room in the house?" B: "Oh, she's been on a tear ever since she saw a mouse in the basement this morning." The team looked a little sluggish in the first half, but they have been on an absolute tear in the second.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
(tɛr) n. a wild drinking bout. (see also rip.) Sally is off on a tear again.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- be in floods (of tears)
- blink back tears
- blink tears back
- blood, sweat and tears
- blood, sweat, and tears
- bore (one) to tears
- bore somebody to tears
- bore stiff
- bore to death
- bore to death/tears, to
- bored silly
- bored to tears
- break in(to) tears
- break loose from (something)
- break out in tears and break in tears
- break out in(to) tears
- break/cut/tear loose from somebody/something
- burst into
- burst into tears
- crocodile tears
- crocodile tears, crying/to cry
- cry crocodile tears
- cut (someone or something) loose from (something)
- cut, tear, etc. something to ribbons
- don't that tear the rag off the bush!
- end in tears
- gulp back (one's) tears
- in tears
- it is easier to tear down than to build up
- it'll (all) end in tears
- it'll end in tears
- kiss the/(one's) tears away
- move (one) to tears
- move to tears
- moved to tears
- not shed a tear
- on a tear
- put wear (and tear) on (something)
- reduce (one) to tears
- reduce to tears
- rip into
- rip off
- rip the heart out of (something)
- rip/tear the heart out of something
- shed a tear
- shed crocodile tears
- tear
- tear (one) a new one
- tear (one) limb from limb
- tear (one's) hair
- tear (one's) hair out
- tear (one's) heart out
- tear (someone or something) in half
- tear (someone or something) in twain
- tear (someone or something) in two
- tear (someone or something) to pieces
- tear (someone or something) to ribbons
- tear (someone or something) to shreds
- tear (something) on (something)
- tear a place apart
- tear a strip off (someone)
- tear a strip off someone
- tear across
- tear across (something or some place)
- tear along
- tear apart
- tear around
- tear at
- tear away
- tear between
- tear down
- tear from
- tear from (someone or something)
- tear hair
- tear into
- tear into (some place)
- tear into (someone or something)
- tear into a place
- tear into some place
- tear into someone
- tear into something
- tear it
- tear limb from limb
- tear loose
- tear loose from (someone or something)
- tear loose from someone/something
- tear off
- tear off of (someone or something)
- tear on
- tear one's hair
- tear one's hair, to
- tear out
- tear out (one's) hair
- tear out of
- tear out of (something or some place)
- tear round
- tear somebody limb from limb
- tear somebody off a strip
- tear somebody/something to pieces/shreds
- tear someone a new one
- tear someone limb from limb
- tear someone off a strip
- tear someone or something to shreds
- tear someone up
- tear someone/something apart
- tear someone/something up
- tear the heart out of (something)
- tear the rag off the bush
- tear through
- tear through (something)
- tear to pieces
- tear up
- tear up the pea patch
- tear your hair
- tear your hair out
- tear yourself/something loose
- tear/tug/pull at/on (one's)/the heartstrings
- tearjerker
- tear-jerker
- tears before bedtime
- That does it!
- that tears it
- That tears it!
- two tears in a bucket(, fuck it)
- vale of tears
- wear and tear
- wear and tear on (something)
- wink away
- without tears