three point two


1. noun Beer with a lower-than-average alcoholic content of 3.2 percent per volume. Primarily heard in US. We spent all day lounging by the pool getting a nice buzz off three-point-two. I hate the three-point-two my husband drinks. It just tastes like watered-down beer to me.
2. adjective Containing 3.2 percent alcohol per volume. Primarily heard in US. How can you drink that three-point-two crap? In the town where I grew up, three-point-two beer was just what everyone drank.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

three point two

See three-two
See also: point, three, two
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • three-point-two
  • three-two
  • angle
  • angling
  • wear (one's) apron high
  • high
  • high, wide, and handsome
  • fire and brimstone
References in periodicals archive
Dr Okeke, who traced the United Nations' eight basic steps to good governance, disclosed that the economic worth of Anambra today, is valued at three point two trillion naira, noting that its GDP would have been ranked seventeenth in Africa.
According to Radio Pakistan, more than three point two million children up to five years of age will be administered anti-polio drops in Peshawar, Haripur, Abbottabad, Mansehra, Batagram, Kohistan, Torghar, Shangla, Swat, Upper and Lower Dir, Chitral districts, Khyber and South Waziristan Agencies.
ISLAMABAD -- In Sindh, a Chinese company Global Mining China will invest three point two billion dollars to install a coal-based nine hundred megawatt power plant at Thar coal field.
So 3.2 is read as "three and two tenths" rather than "three point two" or "three decimal two".
Asif Saeed Manees has said Punjab government is extending the subsidy of three point two billion rupees on flour at the rate of five rupees per kilo during the month of Ramzan.