
stud muffin

A physically attractive young man. Did you see Jane's new boyfriend? He's such a stud muffin that I was practically swooning over him myself!
See also: muffin, stud
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a really good-looking guy; a stud. Who’s the stud-muffin with Sally?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • stud muffin
  • at stud
  • cut a muffin
  • be (as) flat as a pancake
  • smooth operator
  • smoothie
  • a smooth operator
  • stud
  • swoon
  • swoon over (someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
on Saturday night the stud-muffin was back in the arms of Penelope after intimate drinks at the Chateau Marmont hotel.
CORRIE: Jason Grimshaw, stud-muffin builder, and Jamie Baldwin, mop-haired new-boy.
STEVEN PINKER HAS BEEN called "science's agent provocateur" by the Guardian, named an "evolutionary pop star" by The Washington Post, as a "wunderkind" by The Washington Post, and acclaimed by the London Times as both a "world-class cognitive psychologist" and a stud-muffin of science." Yet Pinker, a professor of psychology in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is more than a scientific superstar.
By the mid-1990s, though, applying the Riverdance formula of flashy lighting, amplified footwork, hard-bodied beauties, and a stud-muffin star, Joaquin Cortes's Pasion Gitana was attracting the largest audiences in flamenco history.
Borrowing elements from both Billy Wilder's original and Paul Motrissey's 1972 "Heat," screenplay has former TV child star Curson Beeley (Marc Coppola) reduced to pizza delivery, in which capacity he's spied by retired broadcast exec Agnes Fuchs (Barbara Bain), who takes him in as her resident protege and stud-muffin. Pampered with new designer suits and other gifts, Curson finds he's no longer viewed as a has-been.
The 27-year-old Irish stud-muffin invited us along to the Electric Cinema in Notting Hill, and promptly whipped out a photo of his baby son, James.
I can't believe I'm going to tell you this, but the other night I'd been out with my boyfriend, who I shall call Stud-muffin, and when we came back to the flat, we started peeling off each other's clothes.