Christopher has
studied saxophone for seven years and piano for ten years.
2003-2004 MTNA National Student Competitions winners
Weiss, Olin, Rollin, fisher, and Bepler (1967)
studied 35 males and eight females with coronary occlusions.
Sexual rehabilitation and heart disease
In addition, consistent with the findings from the previously
studied high school sample that time spent on homework is positively related to students' attitudes toward homework and their homework management strategies (Xu, 2005), the results from the present study suggest that time spent on homework is positively related to homework attitudes and homework management at the middle school as well.
Middle school homework management and attitudes
A well-formulated question for a LIS topic would likely include a description of who was involved (for example, library users, undergraduates, other libraries or librarians), what was being
studied (for example, bibliotherapy for bullying, mother-toddler story programs, online instruction for health literacy), the outcomes in which one is interested (for example, increased use of the collection, higher computer literacy), and what studies or data to collect and combine (for example, surveys done by public libraries in cities of similar size to yours, evaluations of online training versus tutorials to increase use of your catalog, randomized controlled trials of giving books to young mothers at well-baby visits).
Systematic reviews and librarians
By the early 1990s, it was clear that IL-2, when used intermittently and in conjunction with anti-HIV therapy, had the most pronounced impact on increasing CD4 T cell counts of any therapy ever
studied for the treatment of HIV disease.
Will immune-based therapies ever be approved? (Immune-Based Therapy)
He has
studied music composition and piano with Suzanne Wong-Abe for eight years.
2001-2002 MTNA student competitions national winners
(This calculation is approximate, because in the actual study weighting factors were used to make the sample of patients
studied be more representative of the U.S.
HIV Resistance: Data and spin
The mural must have a title and relate directly to the social studies unit presently being
Psychology in Teaching the Social Studies
"Kavatrol relieved this kind of stress within a week and continued to work during the four weeks we
studied it in 29 people who were suffering more than an average amount of stress," says Singh, who became familiar with kava in his native Fiji.
Herbs for nerves
Previous research may have failed to establish a link between the ACE variation and high blood pressure because too few people were
studied, O'Donnell says.
Male hypertension may have genetic link
The first selected-response question asked students if they
studied differently for this course than for their other courses.
Self-regulation in a computer literacy course
These centers have also
studied exposures to other environmental toxicants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and environmental tobacco smoke.
Children's centers study kids and chemicals
7) Each library
studied in CBA I yielded a good annual return on invested capital.
Measuring outcomes: applying cost-benefit analysis to middle-sized and smaller public libraries. (Public Libraries)
On the other hand, a group of researchers from France
studied thymic output in patients experiencing virologic rebound (Abstract 453).
...from the 7th Conferences on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
So, like other researchers before them, Connors' team simply
studied the data on each patient's progress after a physician had decided to use or not to use a right-heart catheter.
Condition critical: is the right-heart catheter dangerous?