Stubby joins Conroy, Olsen and Schroeder as they join the French lines in Chemins des Dames, where they are taken under the wing of Gaston Baptiste (Gerard Depardieu) from the 3rd regiment.
Film in cinemas / Sgt Stubby: An Unlikely Hero
Stubby" takes fewer liberties than some fact-based war movies.
'Sgt. Stubby' revisits sweet story of canine courage
10, 2016, image provided by OET/NautilusLive shows a
stubby squid on the ocean floor near Channel Islands National Park west of Los Angeles, Calif
Rare 'googly-eyed' squid spotted off California coast; The creature looks like a cross between a squid and an octopus but is closely related to a cuttlefish, according to the Nautilus Live website
The highly decorated
Stubby, predominantly a Boston bull terrier, became famous for his many "heroic" battlefield deeds and wounds while serving with the Americans in France.
Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises: the dog in the window and other war allusions
Bilateral short
stubby hands with normal length of upper limbs.
Acrodysostosis--a rare skeletal dysplasia
By this time I'd noticed that the three main spiral arms aren't
stubby after all--and that there are more than three.
The determined observer's guide to M101: few galaxies show as much detail as this dim, gigantic spiral does when viewed under dark skies
and Hooded Mergansers'
stubby wings may flick across areas of
Stark-Eyed Philadelphians Buy Long Beach Island for the Birds
If you need to drill holes between joists or studs but don't own a rightangle drill, these
stubby boring bits are just the ticket.
Drill big holes in tight spaces
and your short
stubby run to get us going jumping on behind, screaming
Drop-off Point
The terrier
Stubby aided American soldiers in France during World War I by discovering a German spy.
Meyer, Karl: Dog Heroes
WITH a wag of his
stubby tail or a flick of his long silky ears cocker spaniel Bertie brings joy to the lives of severely disabled children.
Failed show dog Bertie finds calling helping disabled children
Prior to the advent of computers, personnel records and other related records were all "
stubby pencil" work.
Complexities of the MIA issue
Stubby," said She Who Would Befriend a Wounded Grizzly with feigned conviction, "go home."
Man vs. cat, final score: cat, 1; me, 0
Yours is short and
stubby, because unlike the giraffe, you rarely use it to pull lunch from high branches.
You're an animal!
The two cases show the same material removal rate, but achieved with a different combination of axial depth of cut and radial engagement--skinny versus a
stubby cut.
In the cut: for machining, "cutting corners" means paying more attention to power, torque, and speed than in straight cuts