Le comite d'organisation s'attele a assurer une organisation parfaite a cette 50eme fete du
tapis traditionnel, a l'effet d'assurer une reussite maximale a cette importante manifestation socioeconomique et culturelle pour stimuler les activites touristiques et artisanales, a assure la meme source .
Ghardaia : fete nationale du tapis du 17 au 22 mars prochain
I'm expecting
Tapis Wizard to appreciate the return to a more conventional, flat, galloping, left-handed track.
Improving Plaisterer can defy higher mark
Cette piece est decoree surtout avec des tissus, qui sont tous faits dans la maison, par la mere de famille et ses filles, en conformite avec les normes de la communaute: Tous sont faits dans la maison ; il n'est pas question d'acheter un
tapis. C'est meme une honte d'aller acheter [des tissus] (Viorica I.
La << belle salle >> du Maramures
Newspaper reports said
Tapis had appointed investment bank Lazard to find buyers for the Allied business.
Sell-off as loss piles up
Tapis volants: spectacles et thE[umlaut]Eotre de la rue offerts par de jeunes Jordaniens avec le soutien du Centre Culturel franE*ais dans diffE[umlaut]rentes rE[umlaut]gions du Royaume.En mai: le 24 Ea Fuheis, le 26 Ea Irbid,le 27 Ea Kerak, le 28 Ea Aqaba et le 30 Ea Zarqa.MUSIQUEAmman en MusiqueMardi 28 mai: Duo, violon, SatE[umlaut]nik Khourdoian et piano, Varduhi YeritsyanUnion Bank, Shmeisani, salle de concert- 20h.PARLONS CINEMACarte blanche Ea Ahmed BedjaouiAu Centre Culturel FranE*ais Ea 19hLundi 4 juin: M de Fritz Land (Allemagne, 1931)EXPOSITIONS- Gallerie OrfaliExposition des oeuvres de 7 artistes de nationalitE[umlaut]s diffE[umlaut]rentes autour des poE tes Frederico Garcia Lorca (Espagne) et Abdul wahab Al Bayati(Irak).
Agenda culturel de la semaine
Bishku); "Tourism in Morocco and Tunisia" (Scott Youngstedt); and "Le Souk; Les
Tapis et les Kilims du Maghreb" (Ann Line).
Challenges of Globalization: Morocco and Tunisia. Curriculum Projects. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminars Abroad Program, 2001 (Morocco and Tunisia)
At present, the only spot markets for Asian crude oils are limited to Dubai crude oil as a pricing marker for sour crude oils, and
Tapis (Malaysia) as a pricing marker for sweet crude oils.
Asian Crude Oil Spot Market Across Malay Peninsula Proposed
The group bid pounds 72.5 million for Allied in August, but saw its offer trumped one month later by French carpet retailer
Tapis Saint-Maclou.
Wassall rejects Allied
FRENCH retailer
Tapis Saint-Maclou yesterday launched an pounds 84.2million bid for ailing Allied Carpets.
MONEY; Hot dog firm feels the heat
They are the precursors of a new and different sensibility, and a new relationship of humanity to nature, brilliantly analyzed by Vincent Scully who argues that 'In the Italian garden, water is the awesome gift of the earth; in the French garden, water becomes primarily the optical medium by means of which the sky is reflected'.(7) Scully describes the great canal at Versailles where 'our gaze moves rapidly down the
tapis vert, but when it hits the water it literally takes off.
Water water
Le fabricant de
tapis, Artco, revoit ses ambitions a la hausse.
Artco s'implante au Qatar
District police chief Supt Ahsmon Bajah said the men aged between 22 and 40 were picked up at 2.40am during an operation dubbed 'Ops
Tapis' by the Narcotics Investigation Division of the district police headquarters and the Kota Tinggi National Drug-Agency (AADK).
Three drug pushers nabbed in Kota Tinggi