tamp down

tamp down

1. To pat, press, or pack some loose substance down. A noun or pronoun can be used between "tamp" and "down." He tamped down the tobacco into his pipe and lit it with a match. Don't tamp the soil down too hard, or the seeds won't have space to grow.
2. To lower or dampen something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "tamp" and "down." The analyst is recommending that investors tamp down their expectations for the economy's performance. I don't want to tamp his hopes down, but I don't want him to end up disappointed, either.
3. To suppress or demoralize someone. A noun or pronoun can be used between "tamp" and "down." My ex-husband was always trying to tamp me down so that I would think I didn't deserve anything better in life. There will always be bullies who tamp you down for being different.
4. To limit, manage, or moderate someone. A noun or pronoun can be used between "tamp" and "down." My doctor prescribed some medication to tamp me down when my mood swings become too erratic. Whenever I get really stressed out or angry because of work, I always listen to classical music to help tamp me down.
See also: down, tamp
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

tamp something down

to pat or pack something down. Tamp the soil down over the seeds after you plant them. Please tamp down the soil firmly.
See also: down, tamp
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • ask down
  • chow down
  • chow something down
  • call down
  • clunk
  • clunk down
  • batter
  • batter down
  • brush down
  • bear down
References in periodicals archive
IN THE MIDST OF our current attempts to tamp down aggression and bullying, it may seem strange to consider that at the turn of the 20th century, as the population was rapidly urbanizing, America's male youth weren't considered masculine or aggressive enough.
Contributions to international peace-keeping, which helps to tamp down on violence in conflict-ridden countries such as Mali, will be reduced by $20 m (R200 m).
As the financial markets veer in an unpredictable fashion, goaded, no doubt, by the continuing budget battled in Washington, registered investment advisors (RIAs) and fee-based advisors are increasingly turning to alternative investments, tactical management and tax-deferred strategies to tamp down volatility and mitigate taxes.
The National Coffee Association (NCA), New York, is actively working on legislative and regulatory opportunities to tamp down the impact of Proposition 65 on the United States coffee industry.
But with the use of plastic bags turning more rampant than ever -- in fact, authorities concede there are no up-to-date figures on yearly consumption levels -- the ministry is moving to tamp down on this widespread practice.
Fill with good seed compost, tamp down, then distribute the seed evenly on its surface.
Earlier on Tuesday, North Korea's leader appeared to tamp down hostile rhetoric that had threatened impending war with the United States and South Korea.
Some say wolves and wild dogs circled to tamp down grass to create a bed.
Obama joined New Jersey's outspoken Republican governor, Chris Christie, in leading the charge against Boehner's delay, which Christie described as "absolutely disgraceful." Boehner scrambled to tamp down fury, quickly announcing a two-part vote.
STOMP: At halftime, spectators are invited onto the field for "divot stomping," to tamp down the chunks of turf kicked up by the horses.
More recently, though, as Turkey finds itself in a not-unexpected shooting war with Syria, the administration has tried hard to tamp down Turkish expectations of American support, the report said.
President Barack Obama also tried to tamp down speculation about Israel's intentions early this week.
I don't know what the Gruut is doing for the beer, but it does seem to tamp down the sweetness, and give it balance.
These overtures have only served to tamp down students' academic achievements.
In an effort to tamp down on unauthorized, revenue-draining reproduction, the report is distributed to subscribers as a hard copy; production-specific findings for an individual client's shows also are included.