Though such
strong-arm tactics have been the norm under military dictatorships, they cannot be tolerated in a democratic dispensation.
HRCP alarmed over action targeting HEC chair's family
This year's regular Diet session will be long remembered for three things: an incumbent minister's shocking suicide amid a political funds scandal; depressing revelations about pension record-keeping failures that deepened public distrust of the pension system; and the ruling camp's
strong-arm tactics of using its numerical superiority to bulldoze bills through the two chambers.
Japanese editorial excerpts -3-
Just last spring, the United States joined forces with Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria, and the Vatican (what a panoply of enlightenment) to
strong-arm the United Nations Special Session on Children."
Attacks on Catholicism. (News in Brief: Canada)
Rivers of urine will have eroded the Fourth Amendment--our nation's strictest restraint on the overreaching and
strong-arm tendencies of some government police agents.
Dangerous lessons. (Civil Liberties Watch)
The National Post reports that Fortis "is using its monopoly power [to] shut out local power producers, keep out imported Mexican power, deny Belize consumers low-cost power and undermine Betize's fastest growing industry, ecotourism." Belize environmental leader Tony Gatel has traveled to the Toronto Stock Exchange to publicize Fortis'
strong-arm tactics.
Storming the Fortis. (South America)
Yet, as broadcaster Martyn Lewis comments, `Everywhere there is war there are people trying to build peace.' The harrowing events in the Middle East emphasize that securocratic solutions and
strong-arm tactics for the most part only fuel passions.
Planting the seed of reconciliation: we may need our enemies for our own healing, maintains Trevor Williams, the Director of Corrymeela, the reconciliation centre in Northern Ireland. He talks to Faustina Starrett. (Northern Ireland)
Suge's reputation for
strong-arm business tactics and how that approach was used to bribe and manipulate are also documented.
More music
Kurtz outlines complaints from the networks that detail
strong-arm tactics at the White House.
Heart of darkness. (Off the Record)
"CVRD doesn't need to
strong-arm iron ore prices up in talks with the Japanese and Europeans because it's already got a good return on capital from iron ore," says Thomas Mello Souza, the mining analyst at Merrill Lynch's Sao Paulo office.
Refining mining: Roger Agnelli wants to grind iron and other ores into businesses with stable prices and long-term contracts. Here's how. (Cover Story)
The Sweeney, featuring the late John Thaw, was a top television series made in the 1970s featuring policemen using
strong-arm tactics.
Claim Damilola officer used 'Sweeney' tactics
It also helps reposition Tabasco's former
strong-arm governor Roberto Madrazo, whose political aspirations reportedly include rebuilding the PRI to its former glory with himself at its head.
PRI bounces back. (Breves)
Hibs boss Alex McLeish, who slammed Marseille's
strong-arm tactics, watched in amazement as Zitelli was forced to fight back when madman Meite attacked him.
Football: Hibs star punched in brawl
The Locomotives: They like to
strong-arm people with their angry and hostile behavior.
Nix the negativity
LBJ's occasional
strong-arm political methods are roundly condemned, though Clif White's--presented in graphic detail--are regarded as clever politics.
BEFORE THE STORM: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus
Nichiei Co., a nonbank moneylender under fire for
strong-arm collection practices, has agreed to pay 2.5 million yen in a compromise with a former loan guarantor it threatened, the former guarantor's lawyers said Thursday.
Nichiei to pay 2.5 mil. yen to compensate threatened client